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#1 LordelX
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I think that the PS3's sales number are quite amazing, considering the price point, the current quality of the software and the fact that the best games and services are months away.

Holiday Season '07 will see a huge increase of sales for the PS3. When there's a reason to buy one.

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#2 LordelX
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Collector's Edition wins, but I suspect compilations don't count.

Of the Cube's Zelda trilogy, I would be inclined to choose Twilight Princess...

...when in actual fact, the game that brings the most originality and variety of gameplay is Four Swords Adventures...

....yet Wind Waker's visuals and art direction remain amazing even to this day...

....nah....Twilight Princess. It is the definative Zelda experience, and an epic that doesn't come along all that often.

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#3 LordelX
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[QUOTE="Ninten007"]Also in my opinion the games from the PS1 and 64 have aged terribly. Now I can notice headache inducing framerates, bad textures, pop ups, fogging, etc. I just cant sit down and play my 64 anymore. It is easy to go back to NES and SNES games because it provided bright 2-D with clear graphics. Also the GCN plays and looks just fine even though next-gen gaming is here.CFH90

I couldn't agree more. Other than Nintendo's first party offerings, the N64 releases were mostly garbage. Rare is completely overrated....Blast Corps and Goldeneye 007 were great games and that's about it. Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 were better when it was called Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing was better when it was called Mariokart 64 and Perfect Dark, while technically ambitious, is completely unplayable by today's standards. Conker was absolute trash, about as mature a game as a 10 year old quoting Animal House dialogue. Jet Force Gemini and Killer Instinct Gold were not particularily good memories.

The N64 has 4 major games in it's favour as far as revolutions go: Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye 007 and Starfox 64. Let's even consider the argument that Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker and Twlight Princess, Starfox Adventures and Starfox Assult are substantially lesser games ( a stance I don't agree with at all ). The Gamecube had more revolutionary games, and more often: Metriod Prime, REmake, Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness Animal Crossing and Pikmin. Even many franchises vastly improved on Gamecube: Rogue Squadron 2, F-Zero GX, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Waverace: Blue Storm and Paper Mario...all much much better on Gamecube.

Third Party support on the N64? Yeah, 50 other "me too" shooters ( Turok, Duke Nukem',Quake, Doom, Hexen ) and terrible fighters ( Mace, MK: Trilogy, War Gods, Dark Rift, Fighter's Destiny ) don't hold a candle to the Gamecube's Timesplitter's, Soul Caliber 2. The N64 didn't get quality third party titles like Prince of Persia, Hitman 2, Freedom Fighters, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Killer 7, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good & Evil, Viewtiful Joe or hardly any of the EA sports titles. Where were the RPG's for the 64? Quest 64, Ogre Battle 64 and Aidyn Chronicles don't come anywhere near the quality of Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, Fire Emblem and Phantasy Star Online. Two of the N64's best games, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are available for Gamecube with better visuals.

Only someone looking at the past through rose-colored glasses could say the N64 was a better time than Gamecube. Even though many of you started gaming on the N64, that's not reason enough to overlook all of it's glaring flaws...unless you had no idea what you were missing. While you guys were playing Conker, I had already moved on to Dreamcast. The N64 was Nintendo's worst system, hands down. **** the N64. I'm glad it's dead.

This is yet another example on this forum of people who think their opinion should override everyone else's. I'm sorry but you simply cannot come in here and start telling people who loved the N64 that they shouldn't have. The flaws that you have pointed out are only evident by TODAY'S standards, which is not a valid arguement because the console wasn't made for the here and now.

The games that you have dismissed as 'not particularly memorable' are some of the most nostalgic and memorable games to the people here. I would take Ocarina of Time, Star Fox 64 and Rogue Squadron any day over Wind Waker, any of the GC Star Fox titles and Rebel Strike. In the end, I got a lot more kick out of the 64 than I did with the cube. I'm not trying to say that you SHOULD have, I'm trying to get it across that it is perfectly possible for people to have had a better time on the N64's 'inferior hardware' than on the cube.

Fair enough viewpoint. I don't think people should accept my opinion as fact. I'm not judging the N64 against today's standards, I'm judging them by the standards set by the NES and SNES. In this respect, the Gamecube is much closer than the N64. Yet too many people seem to think that the era of the N64 was a gaming moment of greatness, and that simply isn't true, considering the problems the N64 had. The problems with the cartridge format, limited sizes for games, poor audio quality, poor third party support and a serious lack of quality of third party games, a limited library of 3D platformers and FPS, specific genre design of the controller and the expansion pack were all more or less solved with the Gamecube. The Gamecube offers a better gaming experience for its time than the N64 did for its time. If you enjoyed the N64 more, that's your business.

If someone who had enjoyed Atari's Jaguar system more than the current generation, you would simply write that person off as having substantially less gaming experience than you, or poor knowledge and exposure to console games. Don't be hypocritical. Good for the N64, that alot of people were able to enjoy it, but that doesn't change the fact that it was Nintendo's lowest point ever.

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#4 LordelX
Member since 2004 • 1376 Posts

Also in my opinion the games from the PS1 and 64 have aged terribly. Now I can notice headache inducing framerates, bad textures, pop ups, fogging, etc. I just cant sit down and play my 64 anymore. It is easy to go back to NES and SNES games because it provided bright 2-D with clear graphics. Also the GCN plays and looks just fine even though next-gen gaming is here.Ninten007

I couldn't agree more. Other than Nintendo's first party offerings, the N64 releases were mostly garbage. Rare is completely overrated....Blast Corps and Goldeneye 007 were great games and that's about it. Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 were better when it was called Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing was better when it was called Mariokart 64 and Perfect Dark, while technically ambitious, is completely unplayable by today's standards. Conker was absolute trash, about as mature a game as a 10 year old quoting Animal House dialogue. Jet Force Gemini and Killer Instinct Gold were not particularily good memories.

The N64 has 4 major games in it's favour as far as revolutions go: Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye 007 and Starfox 64. Let's even consider the argument that Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker and Twlight Princess, Starfox Adventures and Starfox Assult are substantially lesser games ( a stance I don't agree with at all ). The Gamecube had more revolutionary games, and more often: Metriod Prime, REmake, Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness Animal Crossing and Pikmin. Even many franchises vastly improved on Gamecube: Rogue Squadron 2, F-Zero GX, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Waverace: Blue Storm and Paper Mario...all much much better on Gamecube.

Third Party support on the N64? Yeah, 50 other "me too" shooters ( Turok, Duke Nukem',Quake, Doom, Hexen ) and terrible fighters ( Mace, MK: Trilogy, War Gods, Dark Rift, Fighter's Destiny ) don't hold a candle to the Gamecube's Timesplitter's, Soul Caliber 2. The N64 didn't get quality third party titles like Prince of Persia, Hitman 2, Freedom Fighters, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Killer 7, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good & Evil, Viewtiful Joe or hardly any of the EA sports titles. Where were the RPG's for the 64? Quest 64, Ogre Battle 64 and Aidyn Chronicles don't come anywhere near the quality of Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, Fire Emblem and Phantasy Star Online. Two of the N64's best games, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are available for Gamecube with better visuals.

Only someone looking at the past through rose-colored glasses could say the N64 was a better time than Gamecube. Even though many of you started gaming on the N64, that's not reason enough to overlook all of it's glaring flaws...unless you had no idea what you were missing. While you guys were playing Conker, I had already moved on to Dreamcast. The N64 was Nintendo's worst system, hands down. **** the N64. I'm glad it's dead.

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#5 LordelX
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I think, in a sense, Zelda is a bit of a sandbox RPG. While you can't choose your own character, and there are no statistics, menu driven battles, etc....you are definately thrust into this very living breathing world to be seen through the eyes of Link. The Zelda series all different types of gameplay, and let's the player determine the pace at which they wish to move through the game. While ultimately linear, the games hide the linear aspects of the games from the player by offering a multitude of small tasks and secrets to be discovered.

Now, in this day and age, there are many other games that offer what has been stated above ( Metriod and Castlevania come to mind ). The difference between them and Zelda is the dungoens. Zelda dungoens are the most addictrive part of the game though the concept is simple enough. The real draw is that each dungeon is very distinct, and much different from the rest of the game. Often while going through a Zelda dungoen, a player will become so focused on completing that dungoen, that they will not see the overworld again until the dungeon is completed. The sense of satisfaction of completion coupled with the releif of returning to the familiar overworld with a new outlook because of the new items gained, is the aspect of Zelda that I feel no other game has successfully emulated.

For these reasons, Zelda remains somewhat unique within the gaming world.

Like the previous poster said, there is no secret like a Zelda secret.

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#6 LordelX
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Just picked up my second Gamecube for the bedroom...let's see if I can find a Gameboy Player for it now. It's too bad the Wii doesn't play GBA games too...:(
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#7 LordelX
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Im betting the TC didnt write the post himself. 20 to 1 odds he copied and pasted. Dilrod

My apologies to everyone about the rainbow colored font. That was a mistake, and for some reason, the site will not let me change it.

And you are right Dilrod. I did copy and paste this....from my own blog. This is actually the third part of an article I've been writing for some time. I wanted to get a little more feedback, so I decided to post it here. Feel free to check it out.

Please don't be so quick to accuse people of plagurism. Making false accusations publically are actually quite a serious crime, called "slander". You have a right to your doubts, but please do a little more research before throwing out an accusation like that.

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#8 LordelX
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I don't recall reading Aonuma saying that WindWaker almost killed Zelda.

All he said in the interview was that the game wasn't as well recieved in Japan as it was here in NA.

With regards to Twilight Princess, he states that it was refreshing and a reborn effort to implement something like the Wiimote control scheme to the game. Also, he states that TP had to be realistic because he wanted to keep zelda fans and at the same time, he was trying to sell the concept of the Wii as well.


Man, what is it with people who can't read? No offense, but the headline of the interview says: Nintendo manager of software development says Wind Waker nearly killed the franchise; devs tried first-person combat for Twilight Princess. If it was any clearer, it'd be transparent. Here is a link to the article, in case you are all having trouble navigating THIS site: http://www.gamespot.com/events/gdc07/story.html?sid=6167134&tag=latestnews;title;1

I am merely asking you if the main stream public likes Twilight Princess, or whether it has recieved the same backlash with the main stream public it did on damn near every forum post about Twilight Princess that I read on this site. Sales figures have NOTHING to do with this. In 1999, Star Wars Episode 1: made more money than almost any other movie in history, does that mean it's widely regarded as a masterpiece?

In my personal opinion, Wind Waker was one of the best games of last generation. Twilight Princess was one of the best games I'd played in a long time, and I love it alot more than most of you do, I suspect. I did not write the article, nor do I share the opinions written in it.

I'm not here to talk about whether or not Wind Waker is a good game or not, or whether Twilight Princess is a good game or not!


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#9 LordelX
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In a recent interview with Aonuma on this very site, he mentioned how Wind Waker had almost killed the franchise, and how if Twilight Princess hadn't of worked it would have basically been the last Zelda. Now, I know most of you want to put up arms and defend Wind Waker to the bitter end, but please remember, you are a minority. The issue is not whether Wind Waker was a good game or not, because it most definately was....it's how the game was recieved by the mainstream gaming public.

Has Twilight Princess really made the Zelda franchise top tier again in the eyes of the average gamer? I don't live in North America so I wouldn't know.....but judging from the reactions I see on this site, I would say Twilight Princess has suffered somewhat of a backlash. I imagine a majority of people who play games are not nerds like us that bother to notice what other people think on some gaming site.

So how was Twilight Princess recieved according to the masses? Is Zelda back in a big way, or is it just another entry in a franchise that is slowly slipping of the mainstream gamer's radar and into a niche category with the likes of Castlevania and Mega Man?

Any opinions?

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#10 LordelX
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In a recent interview with Aonuma on this very site, he mentioned how Wind Waker had almost killed the franchise, and how if Twilight Princess hadn't of worked it would have basically been the last Zelda. Now, I know most of you want to put up arms and defend Wind Waker to the bitter end, but please remember, you are a minority. The issue is not whether Wind Waker was a good game or not, because it most definately was....it's how the game was recieved by the mainstream gaming public.

Has Twilight Princess really made the Zelda franchise top tier again in the eyes of the average gamer? I don't live in North America so I wouldn't know.....but judging from the reactions I see on this site, I would say Twilight Princess has suffered somewhat of a backlash. I imagine a majority of people who play games are not nerds like us that bother to notice what other people think on some gaming site.

So how was Twilight Princess recieved according to the masses? Is Zelda back in a big way, or is it just another entry in a franchise that is slowly slipping of the mainstream gamer's radar and into a niche category with the likes of Castlevania and Mega Man?

Any opinions?