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#1 LordelX
Member since 2004 • 1376 Posts

NONE NONE NONE. Man this gets asked waaaaayyy too much. Think about it. There are a lot, and I mean a lot of great NEW games out in the market today. So many who has time to play them all, let alone replay some classics on a handheld. Plus there is no subsittue for the analog. The touch screen comes close, but I own SM64DS and although it's fun, its not nearly as smooth as its original. Don't get me wrong the N64 was a great system. So lets keep it that way and let it keep it's games exclusive. The only exception I would even think about making is for KI Gold, only because the DS has no good non-import fighters.Annexx

Agreed. Also with Starfox 64, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark the screen would be much too small to truly enjoy these games. Ocarina of Time? Naw, don't need a stripped down portable version.

Super Mario 64 DS, Ridge Racer DS, Rayman 2 and Diddy Kong Racing are all the N64 ports we need. Anything else is too outdated or not a good fit for the system.

Except maybe Blast Corps.....Naw, screen is too small. Forget it.

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#2 LordelX
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It seems like there isn't very much people are saying in the Gamecube forums these days. Threads seem to be limited to only a handful of topics. Just for fun, I thought I'd list the Top 5 Most Annoying Gamecube Threads.

5. Twilight Princess was a disappointment. Yeah, yeah, yeah....you didn't like Mario Sunshine or Metriod Prime 2 either. We've all heard this a thousand times before. Thanks for your stunningly unique insight.

4. What game should I get? This site has thousands of reviews, player reviews, screenshots and videos. Why bother to look at those when you can just get the jaded opinions of bitter fanboys just as fast? That's right, don't buy that Twilight Princess....worst game ever.

3. Top (insert random number here) games for Gamecube Sure, we all like to make our top whatever lists, but how many do we need to realize everyone is going to choose Resident Evil 4, Super Smash Brothers and Metriod Prime?

2. Favorite character in SSBM? Yes, a great game is the subject of many threads. But when a game is the subject of the same thread over and over again.....well, let's just say that the games greatness doesn't come into question, but the greatness of it's most devoted player's does.

1. Is the Gamecube dead? Turn your Gamecube on. Is there power? Does the game boot up? If it does, YOUR Gamecube is not dead. But you didn't mean YOUR Gamecube, you meant THE Gamecube. Why is it such a big mystery that the Gamecube's new release calender is finished? Why do people in this forum seem to think that something else was going to happen? After 5 years, every console stops getting support after it's successor comes out. There are exceptions, like when the installed base is over 100 million units (PS2, GBA). But the Gamecube didn't sell 100 million units, did it? The mystery has been solved.

So, what threads annoy you the most in the Gamecube forum?Feel free to say "this thread" or insult me if you please, because whatever you say will be a more interesting read than the usual fare. Thank you, for your support.

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#3 LordelX
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Final Fantasy VI took risks compared to the others in the series. It had a great story. But Final Fantasy IV had an excellent story as well. Final Fantasy V focused on gameplay more than story. Final Fantasy I&II: Dawn of Souls don't even have stories worth mentioning.

In my opinion, the greatest story of all these is Final Fantasy VI, with Final Fantasy IV coming in at a close second.

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#4 LordelX
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Twilight Princess was the answer to what fans have been whining about since the release of Majora's Mask. A straight forward, mature themed Zelda game. The effort to make this game stand out from the rest of the series while retaining all of the nostalgia players wanted was incredible. Although many complain about Twilight Princess, it really is a masterpiece in it's own right. While many complaints are legitamate, I think expectations for this game were unreasonably high. Worst game in the series? Hardly. Best game? Debatable. Is the Zelda series on a downhill slope? Absolutely not.

With Twilight Princess, Nintendowas giving gamers exactly what they said they wanted. Thanks to Twilight's lukewarm reception, I doubt we'll ever see Nintendo do that again. Nintendo is right; what gamers want is what they don't know.

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#5 LordelX
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No offense but no LoZ TP is the best on the GC.spinal15


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#6 LordelX
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Lately in the media, Sony has been talking about looking at ways to decrease money loss and increase profitability regarding the PS3. Since the first batch of killer software for the PS3 is still months away, one way Sony has hinted at would be a price drop to get more units into gamer's hands. The point is: Sony is rethinking their current strategy.

As time goes by, the custom crafted components of the PS3 are going to become cheaper and easier to produce. Also, some of the issues the system has with online service and PSP connectivity can be easily solved with software solutions at a later date. On thing that had caused more of a negative effect on Sony's machine than Sony had first anticipated is the issues with backward compatibilty. The biggest issue, not being able to use PS2 peripherals, such as Guitar Hero controllers and memory cards.

Since the DS under went the transition to the DS Lite a year after it as released and the Xbox 360 is rumored to soon go through a transition to a different model as well, is it possible we could soon see the same thing happen to the PS3? If Sony was to remodel the PS3, would the current user base care?

Unlike the Xbox 360, the PS3 already includes all of the HD ports it needs. A remodelling of the PS3 might see a subtraction of a few things like USB ports and SD card slots in favor on Dual Shock ports and memory card slots. My question is: If the PS3 were remodelled in such a fashion, how would you feel about it? Would you feel cheated? Would you feel better, that you're current PS3 may become a collector's item? Or would you not care at all?

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#7 LordelX
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I offer a different perspective on your dilema. I'm now in my early thirties, and I notice that several of you who feel this way are now reaching the age of around 22. The disappointing feeling you got from Twilight Princess, get used to it. It's not to say that there is really anything wrong with Twilight Princess. It's just your age, perspective and the value you place on your time has all changed from the days in which you played Ocarina of Time.

Funny though, I was 22 when Ocarina of Time came out. I remember playing through it and really enjoying it. That was the first time I had seen all of these things in 3D. But when I finished the game I was feeling a little...empty. I complained that the ending wasn't very good, and there wasn't enough emphasis put on the story. And while the compositions were good, I thought the music was a little lacking. I am aware now, though, that all of these are ridiculous arguments. But that's how I felt at the time.

Why? Because the game had been hyped up to be the greatest gaming experience ever made. For me, it didn't topple my greatest video game experience up to that point, which was Final Fantasy VI for the SNES. I'm not here to debate which is better, OoT or FF6. I don't expect anyone to understand why I felt that way, you must know that I just did.

Games are alot like music and movies. They change over time, and everyone has a different experience. For example, if you spend the first six years of your life watching crap like C.H.I.P.S. and Dukes of Hazzard, do you think seeing Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope would've blown your mind as well? If you caught those on video in the early nineties and then only saw the prequel trilogy in theatres, you'd probably wonder what the hell all the fuss is about.

Most of the games I hold most dear to me are NES and SNES titles. I wouldn't recommend my favorite games to anyone else though. No one would understand. But to this day, I enjoy those titles more than I do new ones. Back when I had time to play games. Lots of time.

The point is, for every disappointed gamer out there in regards to Twilight Princess, there is someone else playing it and being moved on a level we wish could happen to us. I envy them a bit, and if you think about it, you do too. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I played through Twilight Princess on Gamecube. It took my around 88 hours to complete. I think all the complaints you have are valid. Yet, I do not share your disappointment. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised at the experience that was Twilight Princess. Guess I'm just easier to please in my old age.

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#8 LordelX
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Yeah, I've seen the same complaints in every system forum on this site. If you're getting bored with the DS, go do something else. I don't think that a portable system was ever intended to have 50+ hour play sessions.

A DS game should last about as long as the DS's battery. This is the nature of portable gaming.

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#9 LordelX
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BUT if u do use jp GC software in your UK cube 1 2 or whatever it will reformat your memory card as the jp version uses a slightly different mem storage format. So get yourself a spare card basically :)


Odd, I have played a few Japanese games (imports) on my cube (American) and have never had the problem with getting my memory card formatted. Though you may only be talking about the UK cube, not sure about that.
BTW, mmy cube is modded to play imports.

Some games will reformat your memory card and some won't. It isn't worth taking the risk, if you've got data you care about. Use a spare card.

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#10 LordelX
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I play my Gameboy Player on a 40" Widescreen, and the games look great. Some games obviously look better than others, but Sword of Mana, Metriod Fusion and Minish Cap all look amazing ( have and finished them all....on the Gameboy Player ). GBA first person shooters and anything that attemps to do 3D don't look very good at all. Play with the settings....when I first hooked up my Gameboy Player and started playing Super Mario World, I was so disappointed. I played around with the sharpness and screen dimension settings and was extremely satisfied to find out that I could make Super Mario World look almost as good as it did on the SNES. The colors are a bit washed out at times in certain games, but nothing serious.

Some games actually play better on the Gameboy Player. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is unplayable on the regular GBA and pretty rough on the SP as well. Looks fantastic on the Gameboy Player. Fighting games like Street Fighter, Guilty Gear and Tekken are much, much better on the Gameboy Player due to the controller configuration options. If you are playing any of the Final Fantasy Advance series, I recommend the Gameboy Player. This beautiful series was meant for the big screen.

I can't say enough good things about the GBA player. At the end of the day, considering how it expands the number of games you can play on your Cube exponentially....how can you go wrong?