Ever since project Dolphin ( later to become Gamecube) was annouced back in 1999, I had always been thinking what it would be like to get a "next generation" sequel to Ocarina of Time. Unlike others, I loved Majora's Mask, but it was more of the same presentation-wise. Even though I really loved Wind Waker, it wasn't really what I had in mind. Therefore when they finally announced Twilight Princess, I was happy that the system would get what I actually had desired for so long.
Metriod Prime was awesome. Resident Evil 4 blew me away. But these were pleasant surprises. The real reason I got into the Gamecube in the first place was for Twilight Princess. I may have had to wait for 7 years, but I finally got what I wanted, and it still surpassed my expectations. Amazing. So for me, Twilight Princess is the game of the Gamecube.
I know it's also on Wii, but as far as that's concerned, I look at that as a Gamecube port. Nothing more.
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