@surrealme They don't show it in this trailer but if you watch some of the other footage they show top down/isometric multi user control like we had in DA 1. They give you a choice of how you want to play. Ideally for me it's about the story and the characters as longs as the game mechanics don't get in the way of that I'll be fine. Bioware still gets my day 1 $$$.
@The_luv_rocket I see way more allowances for the abilities of the studio and designers to set their mark upon this series. DA 2 clearly had the stench of EA all over it. People lost their jobs over it which is sad because EA never game them a chance to make a great sequel. DA 3 is looking more like Bioware put their foot down and stood up to EA. Remember, this game was supposed to be ready this fall. It's going to be another year in dev. My fingers are crossed for this title.
I love it when someone takes a challenge of remaking something from the early days, especially independent projects. Thanks Rick for taking the time to make this and Kevin for putting it on the front page. If you're at all curious about game design take some time to replay some classics or play a well crafted mod. There are a lot of mechanics in there that newer games tend to overlook. This is also one of the reasons why I've never uninstalled NW2. :)
@grognard @DarkReign2552 @Snakepond1 Ha! made the same comment on other Thief threads... I had to reinstall it and play it again. To anyone else who's not played it, go to Steam and get it. The game is worth that one level.
@edgefilm2001 That could explain some delay, if there were any similarities in story you'd have to rewrite which could cause major delays. And the longer you delay the longer you risk having other games come out with similar story lines eventually causing us to abandon all hope of ever seeing another Half Life game again :(. I jest ;)
@DarthLod I agree, parenting is probably one of the most important modifiers in this area; however, most parent's don't know how to "parent". Video games and movies are used as babysitting tools, parents don't care or show intrest in them. Anyone can become a parent regardless of their parenting skills. I'm not sure there will ever be an answer here except beyond better education for parents, for which you need to them to want to do... :(
@Saketume @Succumbus I played Castle Wolfenstein on an Apple iie. Loved holding up soldiers and taking their uniforms and papers. It had pretty decent strategy elements to it. Probably work well on our mobile devices today.
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