@GSJones1994 @Lotus69 totally agree, I do censor but I discuss why some media is not appropriate for them and we discuss from there. They've convinced me on some fronts but on others they've listened to me. We discuss all forms of media as well including commercials which can be worse in many ways than other forms of media as the "context" for which the images/stories are told are either very limited or missing altogether. You mention fantasy/reality and I believe that for some people (kids and adults) telling the difference can be very hard, especially without proper context.
You need to know what your kids are playing, reading, watching etc. Not so you can censor them but so you can have discussions with them. Talk to them about what they've watched or played or listened to, you'll find you'll learn a lot about your kids. Limiting their time based on behavior is a great way to control screen time, try it, it works. We need to be involved in their lives people.
One of the big problems is the fact that so many parents aren't educated on gaming culture. They view games as "being for kids" much like they do cartoons. I know people that let their 8 year old kids watch Family Guy because they don't understand that not all cartoons are for kids. I know 8 year old kids that play Call of Duty, when they play with my son all of their make up games focus on death and killing... it's a little disturbing imo. We also have to remember that there is never "one thing" that is the factor in pushing someone over the edge, that's usually already taken care of in the brain, but some of these things, games, movies, books can be triggers for violence. Since most people don't have issues with violence in media then we have to cater to the masses and not the few otherwise we'd be living in a much different world.
@Dragin9061 Totally agree, and as it's been stated by others, games aren't the only medium to demonstrate this behavioural pattern. As you state one of the keys is having a good grasp of reality vs. fantasy but I'd add that they also need to understand the difference between right and wrong and the consequences of their actions. It seems to me that a lot of kids don't understand how their actions (right or wrong) can affect people or they just don't seem to care. As many state on here, games aren't the problem. It comes down to parenting, education and compassion.
@smghottie I agree with you but they are limited by development time. This probably got added in the cycle closer to the end. Since it's not part of the major game mechanics it won't get the same development time. Have you tried some of the hunting games out there? They might give you a much more "realistic" experience.
@StHapns247 The only thing about Skyrim that felt like console to me was the UI. Other than that I would say the PC version of Skyrim clearly outclasses the Xbox version. The Xbox may of reached it's potential but the PS3 still has room to be pushed.
Lotus69's comments