I remember when I was younger and Ozzy Osbourne was on the stand for his song "Suicide Solution". Now music is hardly ever to blame for youth violence anymore. I guess everyone is listening to soft rock/pop now ;). Eventually something new will come along and we can start blaming that.
@EdotheHero @grbolivar @nurnberg These sorts of things tend to take time as well. When I was young very few girls played video games. Now I see many girls playing games though the type of games tend to be statistically different. Women are just different and I think one of the big reasons why the Video Game Industry is trying to figure this one out is $$$. Women tend to spend more, especially on mobile/online devices. From what I've seen (6 years in the industry) women are much more likely to spend via a micro-transaction than their male counterparts. I say let the industry grow and don't shy away from hiring the oposite sex. In this industry I've seen no difference between in the workplace between males and females.
@JLCrogue @Landsharkk Some games, there are games that require a constant connection even some that aren't multiplayer in any sort of definition. It's really about choice though and giving the publisher and consumer the option. If a publisher requires it for their game then so be it and the consumer can decide from there but if your internet supplier goes down for the day it would be nice to still be able to play some of those single player (non connected) games. It just adds another point of failure to the system.
@Fighting40 @billlabowski Ya somewhat though I find this whole premise somewhat shady now. It's like everyone is now aware of the hidden camera and all their comments are just attempts at getting read on the show. Johnny should do a Feedbackula on his Feedbackula.
@KamikazeDonut @Lotus69 @L0mak Thanks, I went back and reread that after your post. I really hope they do the UI/Gameplay up where you can make the missions as hard as you like. No quest arrows, no killing, no alerts, no "focus", basic map etc. That was part of what made this series great. imo
C'mon people, this is a reboot of a game that defined stealth gameplay. To say it looks like Ass Creed or Dishonored is doing it a diservice. Those games look and play the way they do because of the original Thief. So far what I've read here gives me hope for this project. Thanks Gamespot ;)
@L0mak It depends on how they are implemented. It sound like you only have a certain amount of points to use up. How they are replenished seems to be unknown at this point. It was also said that users can tailor the difficulty which bodes well for us "older school" thieves ;)
@L0mak @Lotus69 @starcrafthenry You're missing the point, games are an interactive medium and are exactly that, a crackpot telling you how he thinks the world should be. I just found it funny in the article that the dude from bioware makes that statement and then you pretty much word for word validate his argument. I'm not sure I fully agree with it either but when I play a video game or read a book or watch a movie I'm there to try to enjoy the director/writer's views (story). Thats why I tend to play games heavier on the story side (Bioshock) and less on the shoot first and don't question types (COD). If you were by chance not a straight male or handicapped in some way you might feel differently, that's pretty much what he's saying.
@starcrafthenry You just made this point: "BioWare writer David Gaider addressed this issue. It's about privilege. As Gaider summed it up, privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it's not a problem for you personally."
Lotus69's comments