Visually Crazy? Okay, here's my guess. Aboard the Falcon they go through a worm hole going to an earlier time... it's visual! Then they blow our minds by coming out to just before The Force Awakens! Crazy!!! They impact the time line so that a new branch is created. Holy Star Trek! JJ Abrams does it again. Oh, and there will be some lens flare.
Star Wars is sav... okay, it's ground into the dirt under the heels of JJ. :-(
Like others, I'll go to see this story wrapped up, to put a bow on this mess. Then I will wait, for the next attempt at the movies. Something with a coherent plot, a story arc that has been defined so each movie flows naturally into the next, for reveals in later films where we realize clues were planted in the earlier parts, ... Like you know, how authors do it! Actually working out the details to tell a great tale.
This isn't a deal breaker for me. I'm retired on a fixed income but I can handle another $2 a month. With the amount I watch on Netflix it's still a great deal for what I pay. Who knows what the future will bring, or at what point I say, "enough!" But that day isn't today.
@Metallicwolf29: I enjoyed it. What blew me away was, I'd forgotten the beginning, the space suited figure driving the sports car from orbit. My first thought was, Elon Musk!!! I can't remember if when he launched his car if they made reference to this movie or just kept it at the level of, "Oh that crazy Mr Musk..."
Do we know if this anthology show is a series or one long movie? Otherwise, I'm definitely interested in this. For me, just a few months ago I rewatched the "Heavy Metal" movie and I kept thinking I'd like to see an update on this. But I wanted different animation styles while keeping with the adult themes. Well, well, Netflix is the genie to grant my wish!
I can understand wanting the nomination, they put a lot of work into it and I'm sure it helps the ol' resume being nominated. But at the same time, as another pointed out here, Fantastic Beasts wasn't nominated either. With so many effects films coming out every year, some good work will be missed.
I would like to see focus more on something new and different. Solo, we've seen the Star Wars universe before, nothing new here. Marvel movies... sorta looking the same to me. (Though it should since it's the same universe.) But I don't know about nominating all of them... (Though I can't decide which one I'd remove. I liked them all.)
Just shows it's tough to keep it to even 10 films. Anyways, sorry for the Aquaman team. Just be happy that you helped create a movie that is doing great business and is one of the few DC films that is good. Honestly, that's a better badge of honor IMHO...
Well done episode. I saw Aquaman today and watching tonight's Vikings, their smaller battles contain so much more emotions, character changing actions, hints at tactics and out thinking the enemy then the big budget films like Aquaman that just toss thousands of CGI'd beasts at each other with no rhyme or reason.
Aquaman is visual candy, with no substance, but an episode of Vikings will fill you up with sustenance.
Note, just my opinion. I obviously enjoy them enough to watch both. But I love the solid nature of Vikings. I think it's a brilliant show.
Saw the movie today and I found it... okay. It was big and lots of effects, but it was just visual candy. It actually made me appreciate Avatar for what it did. Alien environment but had quiet moments. This was rush, rush, and rush some more.
There was a scene (I'll stay vague) where there is a fight for the crown. But again, it was a big set piece. When Black Panther did that type of fight, it was fought on an cliff shelf. The fight was small, up close and personal. The dialogue added to the characters. Aquaman was missing all that.
Otherwise, if you want large action, this is the film. Everything is on a huge scale here. Glad DC is finally seeing some box office "love" as Marvel seemed to be making that type of money only. Of the DC movies, I still like Wonder Women better, but this was good among DC films.
I always have a tough time with GOTY lists as I just can't keep up. I respect that Gamespot, whose team can play many more games than me, have selected this game. Looks good. Though I can't play it as a PC gamer.
My personal favorite for the year since no one is asking, is Subnautica.
Anyways, just glad for the amount of games we have available and the great ones (hopefully) scheduled for next year. Happy gaming everyone. :-)
Louis' comments