While it's nice for all to remain classy if folks have to be let go, not letting them know why they are being fired is very unfair. They should have a right to defend themselves if there was a specific issue. Plus, how does one get better if you are not told why you are being cut loose? Very strange...
Seeing this, I want a new island biome in standard Minecraft with these dinosaurs. On each island there would be some treasure near the center. So you'd need to hike in and avoid dinosaurs, raptor packs that would hunt you down, etc... And make them tougher than the standard mob. Or skip the whole "treasure" aspect, maybe some unique blocks, or just the desire to explore it.
I suggest an island biome because the dinosaurs would stay there unless you get one off the island. But you have to do that work. Anyways, looks nice.
I was not planning to watch the complete video, but with Tamoor's funny start and the reactions from Lucy and Jordan, okay I had to stay. Oh and Lucy, is this what you were aiming for? "Nostratamoor?" ;-)
Most the pay increases were less than 10%!? Wow, I remember my managers (high tech company) apologizing that they could only give many of us around 1% raises. We could quit if we wanted but we didn't because we had jobs, benefits, etc... A lot depends too if you are at the top of your pay curve.
On that note, I was told I could make more if I worked even more hours. I chose not to. I saw those getting better raises then me and they were working crazy hours. Myself, I had a life. I gamed when I got home. I was happy. ;-)
Would love to know if Blizzard has an enforced bell curve in rating their employees? If so, they'll reward the best (my company would try to boot out the bottom 5%) and the others need to fight it out. The thing is, no matter how good you are, someone has to be ranked as an under performer. Sooo, your choice. Put up with that and enjoy making games, or go where you will be appreciated. If enough leave which causes disruption (schedules slipping, games failing) then and only then will management change.
@Pyrosa: Agree with you on the whole. My brother who has a family, they might go out once a year as a treat. Otherwise so much cheaper to watch at home, either buy the film or rent online or Redbox. Otherwise going to the theater for the 4 of them adds up fast.
I'm retired, so thanks to the AMC Stubs program that works well for me. $24 a month for up to 3 movies a week. So I like to go out sometimes, but it's ONLY me. I buy one ticket that many times is around $18 and the monthly fee is almost covered. Two films and I'm ahead. That is a great deal for me so many times I'll see a movie or 2 a week. Going mid-day as I run my errands and the theater is effectively empty.
If I had to pay the actual price of the ticket, I'd be going out once or twice a year for the biggies. Just wouldn't be cost effective.
I'll definitely consider this game once it's out of early-access. I love the look and the setting. I was a huge fan of media like the "Honey, I shrunk..." movies and "Land of the Giants" TV show. Then books like the Borrowers. If the reviews are decent, I'll buy it.
@tsunami2311: I would love these shows on CBS (free) but are the viewing totals high enough to support it?
What I did this year was, signed up for their free month (due to the pandemic they kept adding extra months) and got through Discovery (2 seasons), Picard and Twilight Zone (one season each). Then I dropped it.
Next year, I'll let the series and episodes pile up again, then I'll jump back in. If I can't get a free trial, I'll pay to just to binge it all, then drop it once more. That's my plan so far... ;-) Not against the cost of some of the cheaper plans (~$6/month) but my issues is the number of services. Paying for them all and you are back up to ~$50/month or more.
Glad to see from some of the comments that I'm not alone in my thinking, this demo looked... dated. This is running on their brand new cutting edge console? I understand that performance has to be paramount if one is playing online against others. But having said that, I see this demo and I felt I've seen better graphics on (my experience) single player games running on the PC. Again, not the same. But I thought the console was tuned to just really crunch those numbers to spit out the best and most detailed images. Just not seeing it here. Again, just an opinion and I know that gameplay of course is more important. But I really was expecting to be awed a bit. I wasn't.
It's not worth it. It's just a hour long infomercial for the Peacock streaming service hosted by the cast of 30 Rock in a very loose way as if it has something to do with that show. It really doesn't.
Louis' comments