I love my small Steam collection that I look at on the virtual shelf. I always buy something and until they can start selling "time" itself or I retire, I'll never get to them. But I enjoy the collecting aspect.
So will the other offices of Gamespot be providing the daily news? I'm glad you are all getting a vacation, but I guess I really like the daily news... If I have to choose then I would do without and we can all go home and game during the holidays. :-)
@tempertress: I don't think it's old fashioned. While my desktop is always connected, I still don't like the idea of requiring the connection. I especially wonder about those with gaming laptops that may like to game in locations with dicey connectivity?
I really don't see the point of requiring it unless of course one is playing multiplayer... Like the others here, I agree with the comment of "Dark times ahead." :-(
@TheEternalGamer: Okay, thanks for the background on that. Makes more sense...
I do like a challenge and a feeling of accomplishment, it just seemed that hacking away for hours wouldn't do it for me. But if others like what they eventually create, excellent! As long as people are having fun.
I like the team approach to the news, plus I assume it's nice to get outside. Though it's really hot...
Happy to see that they are trying to fix/improve No Man's Sky. Since it's a game I would never finish, though I want to try it, I'll wait for it to be on a good sale.
Louis' comments