72 hours, 15 hours, even 50 straight minutes? That's fun? Okay, I really don't get it. Seems more like a bad design unless that attack has various different components to it. But even then, keep it under an hour...
@givenchy7: Chest? I was focused on her neck, she was wearing a ribbon. It reminded me of a "child's story?" about a women with one and she told the man in her life he must never remove it... (The details are hazy.) So when she's asleep he does and... her head rolls off! <Insert screams of children!>
So no, not focused on her chest. Just worried that our poor sweet Jess would lose her head. :-(
And that folks is me hitting my weirdness quota for the day. Time to recharge and start again tomorrow.
I like the shots of your new office. Looks like a great place to work. May I ask, how many people work there? I'm guessing 8-10 from what I could see...
@spartanx169x: I don't have the family, but do have the full time job (which funds my life) and the usual todos that we all have. I also usually play on the weekends. Saturday night is my gaming night.
I don't play sports nor watch them, with that time savings I can do my gaming or reading, another addiction of mine.
Oh well, what I don't get to this year, will just have to done in 2017... or the year after. Take care and enjoy your gaming time.
@timthegem: Thank you. I actually already own the Mass Effect series. Same with Fallout 4. I've heard some feel the same as you on Fallout. I'd still like to play it. I played #3 and heard better things (as to story) for Fallout 3: New Vegas, also owned by not played... <Heavy sigh>
Oh well, still have all of 2017 to catch up... ;-)
Still waiting for the article on where to get more free time so I can play. Now if I could only win the lottery...
I want to play the new Mass Effect game, but funny thing, I haven't played the first 3 and I really want to. So playing my first game of Civ VI and part way through Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak right now. Once I finish one of those, then Mass Effect. Or should it be Fallout 4? Dang, such good decisions to make.
Jess, I know you work in the business but do you actually have time to play many games for fun, versus a quick play for a review/video report?
I can't be the only one with this problem. Playing games... it's a game in finding the time... lol.
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