Like everyone else I'm very bummed. Of course happy for you Mary, good luck in your future. But back to being selfish... I'm sad we are losing you. Loved your quirkiness, that really made your videos! Take care.
Okay in reading this I first thought the premise sounded dumb... then I realized I'm fine with a guy being bitten by a radioactive spider... Lol.
Okay, watched the trailer and I gotta say I'll watch this. Does have a video gaming look where the guy can seemingly hack into everything. But I think with a bowl of popcorn on a lazy evening, this could be fun. If not, well, there will be ~2 hours out of my life.
I enjoyed the first 3 seasons, but the 4th on Netflix just didn't work for me. I do know they couldn't get all the actors at the same time so they had to structure the story differently. Clever that they pulled it off, but not sure if that's what made it seem off to me?
Well, I wish them luck. Not sure I'll watch though...
I assume this will be a light-hearted comedy. It all depends on the script of course, but I could see it working. Not saying I'd go to the theaters though to see it. I'll wait for it to reach Cable/Netflix...
For me, CGIing her in episode IX is too soon. I think the Tarkin decision worked since he's actually not emotive. His character was very controlled and "stiff." Played out well in CGI. But still noticeable.
I would rather they write her out. Maybe would need a CGI scene to show her passing away... have her ship ambushed and some quick shots of her reaction. Not sure...
Let episode VIII be in her honor but move on. Maybe put her death in that movie. Then IX starts clean.
@hotkoolaid: Thank you for the kind words and thoughts. In the end it will turn out okay. A new adventure for 2017, sorta my own RPG quest. ;-)
I completely agree with you on the wonderful escape that games can be when one needs a little happiness. Thanks to Xmas and the Steam sale, I have a lot of places to escape to in this coming year. Oh goodness, will I have time to find a job? ;-)
Take care and looking forwards to all the news from you and the staff there.
@eddie_220: I thought I read somewhere that earlier Spielberg's production company took a look at making the films. But their focus was on combining the books into one film, or maybe just a double/trilogy sort of thing. Thankfully that went nowhere. Love what was created.
@hotkoolaid: OMG, I played just one hour last night but the intro just nailed it. You need to know I do work in a cube and once again found that I will be laid off come Dec 30th. So I'm in the mood of "Not again!?" and of course all the stress that comes with this.
So when the game started and we get the "if life gets to be too much..." then the shot of our character in a cube! "Work, work, work." I just burst out laughing. This is my "sad" life. Lol.
Reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode where a stressed out middle manager(?) boards a train and gets off at a tranquil little town. Friendly people, the hustle and bustle of the big city, left far behind. He needs something else... and has found it.
Who would have thought that that episode (in a way) would someday be a computer game. ;-)
Thanks for your original video review of the game. That's what got me following it. Looking forwards to getting deeper into it.
Louis' comments