I have NEVER played this game but I saw it on Steam and now it is on PS4. Hardcore RPG fan here. Not loads of free time but I'm TIRED of hearing about this game...Should I bite?
I really want to get this game and this would be my first Dragon Quest game but I'm just not sure about the traditionality that I keep hearing about....This game seems like an old school RPG game on modern consoles. But I hear from people that this is kinda the point?....IDK...RPGs are mostly real-time now and if they're not (if they're turn-based) there's some kind of new school flair to them, whether it's a new system or some new flair to the battle system. Eternal Sonata is a good example of that. Even the recent Octopath Traveler is turn-based but not so dry.
It will sell very well regardless of date, but that is a good release date. Most people will just preorder it/have it be a Christmas gift. It's looking like 2019 is the year for a lot of the games we've been waiting for guys. 2018 should still have a few more gems though..We're only half-way done.
@GinsuVictim: I find that very hard to believe. But even if it didn't have anything to do with the re-releases, who cares? Comment still stands. This game wasn't coming out this year and people will be playing 1 and 2 while waiting.
Shocker! Not. Lol. You had to have been delusional to think this was coming out this year. Not surprised that they gave you Shenmue 1 and 2 while you wait. Looking forward to the game in 2019.
LoveBird-'s comments