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Lt8653 Blog

Tagged, so here goes!

Thanks Azure goes.

1. The first game I can remember as a kid was 'Alex the Kid' And I remember my mom completing it, how cool is that!

2. I've had a lot of nicknames in my time, but the ones my friends seem to use is 'Tommo' even though I hate it....makes me sound like a chav!! :(

3. The only film that has evermade me cry is 'the green mile' still makes me cry to this day haha, 'cause i'm all manly like that ;)

4. First gameI fully completed (or at least remember doing so) was Tombi back in 1999, I was so happy, still one of my all time best games to this day...even though i can finish it in just over an hour now :)

5. In gaming frustration I have broke a total of 6...yes 6 pads, I realise thats a lot of money, what can i say I don't like to lose :S

6. One game which no one would ever beat me on, EVER, is Timesplitters2, you may think you're good, but honestly, i'm so much better, I am the best in the world. End of :) (I'm not even been sarcastic here!)

7. i have been in love, which I would highly reccomend, but would also advise you to prepare for a broken heart, it hurts like hell.

8. I'm a sucker for a 'rock chick', they might not be everyones cup of tea, but I just melt around 'em muhaha :D

9. I've been told i'm a good kisser, at least i'm good at something!...bwhaha.

10. The way to my heart is to make me laugh, if you can do that, you're in my good books!

11. Saddest thing in my life so far (excluding a broken heart) is when my dog died when i was 17 (2 years ago) we had him 10 years, he was like a best friend, cried a lot when we had to get him put to sleep :(:(

12. I don't care what people think of me, love me or hate me, it's your choice ;)

13. I put myself down a lot, have low self esteem...the works! it's rare for me to complement myself :D

14. i enjoy my music loud whilst driving my car, i also enjoy 'singing' along to it aswel ;)

15. Lets see, last but not least. I have a radiculous sense of humour, i'll laugh at the most bizzare things, most of the time i'll be the only one finding it funny, but i get hysteric very easily :D

Well hope you all 'enjoyed' my pain there haha. (Thanks again Azure!!)

Well it's my turn to punis....pass on the tagging, so I tag DARK_KNIGHT6, NIKKI-NO-CREDIT, SHIBEN and KAIM_I.

Thanks a bunch guys.


My hair is red...well pink...look!

well those of you who live inBritain may well know that it was comic relief on the friday just gone (the 13th non the less) and the slogan for the thing was 'Do something funny for money' So i thought, yeah why not, now what would be funny?

I know i'll dye my hair red...although it's gone pretty pink but eh you get the idea, in total i've raised about £180 which isn't too bad, all for a good cause eh :D

well for all you amusement here's me with pink hair, and the first picture you'll of seen of me...well most of you :)

yup its me, caught off guard.

i'm hawttttttt, if only haha!

Thanks guys.


Another massive rant, with a happy ending!

Yes it's that time again, another rant from me. Well I figured this is the best way to get all of my anger and frustration out of my system, just to rant about it and note it all down, so here goes where to begin.

So this week the former big bosses of the banks have come out and apologised, its okay we forgive you. Seriously what the hell? Are these clowns actually serious??? Oh let's say sorry that'll make things right, that'll cure all the debt and depression! Yeah bloody right pull the other one, now let me tell you, it's your blooming fault we're like this, you borrowed money you couldn't pay back and we've taken the damage for it, it's not on. So you think apologising will make things right, fat chance, in fact I despise you, you're all a bunch of clowns who should not be forgiven, and should become public hate figures. It actually makes me laugh, in an 'I'm so angry' sort of way because it popped up what these jokers earn a year, and get this, it was between 2 and 4 million!! Yeah that's right; these idiots get that a year to destroy our country and make everyone depressed, how does that work??? This country is in a right mess. The fact is, they've given a half hearted apology, but the second they step out of that room, they couldn't care less, they're just gonna go jump in their big flash cars, and go home to their 'perfect' families, and massive houses. Am I the only one disturbed by this? Oh and wait, you guys'll love this, we're the ones who bailed these buffoons out of trouble in the first place, that's our money in their back pockets, sickening it really is. I could go on at this all day but let's move on eh.

Now I wonder if I'm the only person who has experienced this, but it's fickle, two faced friends, anyone else got any? But yeah, me and my 'friend' had an argument, because I spoke to his girlfriend. Now I well be hones I did say to his girlfriend, that i think he can be a, erm, how to word this, a pillock (Can't say, erm, it out) because he says stupid things like 'I will knock you out in two punches' or 'I want t fight with you to show I'm tougher', now is that something you say to your friends? No it's not, and when I told him what I thought he didn't like it. He told me to apologise to him so I said 'Look if i hurt your feelings, I'm sorry but you know what i said makes sense, do you not see that?' I guess he didn't with that, he had to dig up the past just o try and hurt me, he's an idiot, I've had it with him. Well I'll fill you guys in, basically couple of months ago me and my girlfriend split, for reasons that i can't really mention on here because its not my place to say, but she had a number of personal issues which was causing her a lot of problems, so we talked about it and decided the best option would be to separate for a while until things had been sorted out. But yeah, just to get back at me he said, along these lines because i can't put swear words in 'You're a ****ing idiot Lewis, I told you that you two would not last and she would drop you, and she did, you should've listened to me, you're a ****ing fool if you think she wasn't seeing anyone else when you we're together hahaha'. Now would a friend say that to me? He knows the fact we separated still really hurts me and he goes and say's something like that. Well no I will not stand for it, I have washed my hands for him, and so god help me if I see him he will get a mouth full to say the least, if he gets clever he'll be on his back staring at the ceiling before he even finishes his sentence, he's a horrible SOB and I won't forgive him for that, especially when he doesn't have the slightest clue why we split, ******* fool. Wonder if I'll get modded for this, eh soon find out I guess. But yeah anyway, why would a 'friend' give me such a low blow like that, its not on is it? Did I really deserve that? Bah....

*sigh* Anyway let's end this session on a positive note eh. Well since as 'RND', red nose day to me and you, is coming up, and the slogan is 'do something funny for money' I have decided to dye my hair bright red to raise a bit of cash for the event, yeah BRIGHT red haha. So yes, I shall be looking a right dusche bag for a while haha, but all for a good cause eh, har har! Maybe i'll even ost a pic for y'all :D

Thanks again for reading guys, really appreciated :)


She Don't hate meeeee :D:D:D

SHE DOESN'T AHTE ME, YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Thought i'd made her hate me, but she don't!!! Hurrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Best news i've had for a while, to be hoenst wouldn't blame her for hating me, but i made a mistake, and i think she knows i'd never hurt her on purpose, so thanks for forgiving me missy :D

Gah i'm happy. Now from here, i've just got to figure out how to win her heart back, hmmmmzzzzz, it will be a tough task indeedee but, i don't lose very often and if i can win her heat again I shall have the biggest smile on my face, you have ever seen :D, even bigger than that ---> :D

But the big problem is that, well she is as near to perfection as you can get, and i'm well, an 'average joe' well i'm lewis not joe, but you get the point. Good God, speak oh 'Hawwwt' *sigh* ones mind does wonder. Jaw meet floor, etc. Right put your tounge back in your mouth and continue on.

Hmmm right, i shouldn't have blogged this down, stay in my head houghts!! *shakes fist*

Ah well theres much more bizzare things in there believe you me :D



The world is so fickle, and in a complete mess, it stresses me out!!

WARNING : This is going to be a massive rant, if you don't like rants don't read, if you're easily offended don't read haha.

Right, where on earth do I begin, let's see, how about the god awful press. Well the press are probably to blame for 90% of the world's problems. Its there fault there's a recession, they tell us to be miserable and not spend money so we don't!!! Fact of the matter is, if the press didn't broadcast all this bad news, we'd be non the wiser, or at least not let it effect us too much. Let me ask you this, when does the press ever report on good things??? Very rarely, and you know why, because good news doesn't sell, is not right, and we must take some form of action against it.

Again with the press, they are INCREDIBLY fickle, it is quite laughable really. I won't name names, or newspapers but lets see an example here, jade goody. All of the tabloids and news programmes, after the Big Brother 'incident' were calling her a racist and horrible, a pig, etc etc. But now she has cancer the tables have turned, they're all like brave jade this, our best mate jade that, and I'm like ''what the hell happened here, you were on her case a month ago, you fickle, fickle people'' Don't get me wrong, cancer is a horrible disease and I would not wish it upon anyone in the world, and I send my best wishes out to jade and her family, and I really hope she makes a full recovery, that's the honest truth, but the fact of the matter is, she's not the only person with cancer, young children have cancer, old people have cancer, lots and lots of people have cancer, unfortunate, but true. I just wish the press would make up there mind. it also makes me laugh how they're always on Clarkson's, and Jonathan Ross' case for saying things they should, then you turn the page and its a story about how asylum seekers are taking 'our' jobs?? Really fickle, it frustrates the hell out of me.

Right now I shall move on to our 'leaders' if they can call themselves that. I live in England as most of you probably know, and I am a proud Englishman, and I love my country and heritage, as every person should love their country, but some of the things our leaders allow make me hang my head in shame. Question one, why is St. George's day not a nation holiday?? This IS England, and he is our saint(And before you try and be smart i know St. George wasn't actually English but still) And the best reason they come up with is that ''it may offend minorities living here''. To me that's a disgrace, I have no problem with any walks of life or any that live in the Uk, but we should be allowed to celebrate our nations day and hang our flags without been considered offensive, it makes m sad .For example, why do we keep putting people in charge who don't have a clue what they're doing?? Don't get me wrong I think Mr. Brown has been very unlucky with all the bad things that have happened under his time at the head, but I think we need to take a leaf from America's books and get some young, influential person in charge of the place. And so God help me if Cameron gets in change of the place, I'll have to leave the country. Now our 'leaders' lead us into an pointless war in Iraq. Who honestly believed ''oh, we've got to stop Sadam, and those warheads!!''.... Well if you did you're VERY gullible I'm afraid, we all know the forces moved in for that oil, after all its worth a lot of money! Do you really think they'd send that many troops to take out one man?...Point proved. C'mon people, let's get our guys and gals out of there, there is pointless loss of life on both sides, all for a bit of oil? Really we should be ashamed. Hopefully, Obama will see this and get them out of there, and Britain, being the lapdog we are, will shortly follow.

Now here's an interesting one, today at work, me and a colleague were discussing whether there is life out there in space, we both agreed there was. We then moved on to question whether they had visited us and abducted certain people, again we agreed they had. But the most shocking thing we agreed on was that why these Aliens never landed, or made us aware of their existence, and its because they must be thinking ''Wow look at those humans, fighting and killing one another, backstabbing constantly, the world is a mess, we'll come back when they've taken each other out' Fact is why would any other races want to meet us? Are we really a desirable race? I'd say we need to step back as a world whole, and take a long hard look at ourselves, the place is a mess.

Phewwwww, i can breathe now!!! Massive rant for you all to read there, is it me getting the wrong end of the stick or am i making sense here?

Thank you guys so much for reading, let me know what you think....if you made it this far ;)


I have a very bad habbit, so things have got to change...

So you ask, whats this bad habbit of yours lew? Well i'll tell you, i have this really bad habbit of destroying, throwing away or removing the best and most important things in my life, and with the recent one its a step too far, so things have got to change.

I'm sick of things going pear shaped, if you lik,e for me, i guess its true what they say afterall, nice guys do come last, so here's my plan.

I've made a plan, nay a list for my new years revolution, and its a pretty big list because i need to make changes in my life to hope things get better for me, or a least manage to keep something that means a lot to me in my life without destroying it.

I'm not exactly gonna tell you what i've writen on my list because its huge to be honest, but theres a lot of things on there which i need to change about myself and a lot of things i've wanted to do but never gotten round to it.

I'll let you guys know wheni can cross something off my list and i'll tell you what it is too!

Heh, until then! thanks for reading.


Whoaaaa, over two months since i blogged, wher have i been?

Yes so I havn't been on here for like 2 months now, and i've missed you guys haha!

So you must be thinking, whats so blooming important to neglect al your friends here at gamespot eh? Well don't fear I shall tell you.

I've been working a lot of late, and any time I get free i try and see my beautiful girlfriend, even though I still don't see her as much as i'd like :|. And when i'm not spending time with her i'm spending time on my PS3 haha, which my game collection has grown to 10? now.

I've mainly been playing fallout 3, which is awesome! and dead space whih is pretty blooming scary, haha, silly alien things, I shall smite you with my mighty plasma cutter.....

Oh and on a further note, i've finally given in to my brain, my brains been taunting me saying, go'wannnn buy rock band silly, and for so long i've fought it off....but it has defeated me :(. So rock bands on order and should be here before the end of the week wooho! And before you ask, no i don't want GH:WT, i've played both and i prefare rock band to be fair.

But yes, thar you go, thats why i've been away my gamespot bretheren! I should be on more often now.....well at least i'll try.

Until next time, thanks.


Your questions answered..

Okay, so i've decided to get your questions answered for you. So i'll start from....from the begining I guess!

Azure-Supernova wanted to know...

''Can I have your autograph?
Left or Right?
Echidna or Platypus?
45. Special or 9mm?''

Yes you can have my autograph if you really want it, I doubt it would sell for a lot of money though :(

I'm right handed, and right footed :)

Platypus all the way.

9mm, regular stuff for a regular guy.

MissMorphine wanted to know...

''do you consider yourself a fanboy of something?''

Well, yes and no...If you'd of asked me a year ago i'd of said FF games, but not so much now due to my job and other important things I have to do, but dont get me wrong I still love playing 'em when I get the chance. FF7 most of all.

Nicholai69 wanted to know...

''errr whats yah natural hair colour? wuld u go on a date with Reno?
Favourite cereal? favourite game genre? top 3 fav movies?''

Well my natural hair colour is brown, although it used to be blonde a few years changed.

haha, don't get me wrong I like the guy but no I wouldn't, maybe we could go for a drink or two with others but, nah not a date, don't swing that way haha.

Ohhhh fave cerial, erm, erm, ohhh I really dunno, call me old fashioned, but if I had to chose it would be good old reliable corn flakes :)

Faviourate game genre, again changes from time to time, so I can't possibly say, sorry dude!

Hmmm good question, i'd say, Dragon : Bruce Lee Story, Saving Private Ryan anddddd, Laputa : Castle in the sky (Epic film).

AKayy_47 wanted to know...

''Ever gotten sensual with someone of the same sex when you were drunk?''

I can 100% say no to this for a number of reasons, one, I just don't work that way, or so to speak, two I try not to get THAT drunk, and three, My dad would, how shall we put this, ermmm, not be best pleased if he ever heard such stories.

Nikki-No-Credit wanted to know...

''have you got slipknots new album?????''

Noooo unfortunatley not Nikki, But I have heard all the songs, and I quite like it, dunno what all the fuss about 'Slipknot suck now'' etc, I like it!

shiben wanted to know...

''wats ur name posed 2 mean?''

Good question man! Well in year 7, like 7 years ago, we all got id's to log onto the school computers with, and thats what I was given, the LT are initials for my name, Lewis Thompson if you didn't know ;).

DarkxSoul713 wanted to know...

''hat are some of your dislikes and likes? Some hobbies? Single or Taken? Favorite color? ^_^ (sorry so late)''

No problem for being late pal! dislikes and likes, hmmmm, wish you'd of been more specific! But I hate fast moving spiders, wasps, sea food (grossssssss) Larger....Erm I like my moms spagettie bolognase (spellings bad I know!), my friends, my job?, football; or soccer to my american friends, the smell of new things haha and ermmmm mint choc chip icecreammmm.

Hobbies, just football and gaming really, dont have a lot of free time to get round to much more, oh and gaming of course ;).

single or taken, hmmmm good question, well I would say niether, because i'm kind of inbetween both, i'm dating this really, really great girl, but we're not ''together'' but were more than just friends, so make of that what you will.

My faviourate colour is green :)

Well there you have it guys, some answers to your questions, thanks for asking them!!


Yeah so I finally gave in to the PS3, I decided to purchase the 80GB one since as it was the same price as the 40GB one....bargain? I think so!

Well yeah anyway i've had it a few days now and I own the games, MGS4 which rules, GTA4 which rules and COD4 which, you've guessed it!, rules :)

I havn't managed to set my internet up opn it yet due to lack of time, but when I do i'll give you my PS3 name thingy so we can be fwendsssss?



that is all.


Oh yeah, i'll have your questions from my previous blog post answerd shortly.

2 Movies you should see, my two new games, and the L word?.....

Yes a triple blog post for you today, i really really do spoil you, nah my blogs suck I know that haha ;)

Anywho lets start with the movies. I've been to the cinema twice in a week, once last wednesday and once monday, on wednesday I saw Stepbrothers, and its one of the funniest films I have ever seen seriously, I was nearly crying with laughter all the way through it, especialy in the epic balls on drumkit scene, haha work it out! ;). So if you have a sence of humour go see that film, if you don't laugh at it you're misserable enough said :)

Is it wrong that looking at this picture just makes me laugh?

And the film I saw on monday night was 'The Strangers'.....scariest film i've seen in a long time. Well its not so much scary its just creepy as hell and it makes you jump so many times, even when you know its gonna make you jump you still do, really really creepy, me and the girl i'm dating were like two little kids getting really freaked out haha. But no if you like a good scary film, go and see 'The Strangers' you wont be dissapointed.

Look closley in the background of the poster, that is a bit in the movie that sends a shiver down your spine, creepy stuff!

yeah, woooo 2 new games for my DS.

First up is FF4, I just had to get it, loved the origional and when I heard it was comming out on the DS I thought yes please haha. Been playing it a few hours so far, and i'm pretty impressed a few neat changes form the origional which make it more challenging, IMO, of course the updated graphics and voice acting help to make it a more pleasing experience too :)

Okay the second game I picked up was'Sid Meiers Civilization Revolution', the main reason been is that I like my strategy games and I'd had my eye on it for a while but was unsure, but thanks to a positive score form gamespot I took the plung and i've been playing a lot of it so far, and i'm enjoying it, nothing like making an allience and then stabbing them in the back when all there troops are out elswhere muhahaha, I did it to Nepolian, Ghandi and Catherin the Great in the same match muhahaha, you've got to play dirty to win sometimes ;)

Right yeah and last but not least, the L word, and I don't mean lesbian by the way .... Its the 4 letter word that i wont say, or type for that reason unless I mean it, anyway, yeah, but how do you know if you're falling for someone, any one fallen in l...? Urgh I dunno its confusing, I can't help but think its gonna be me that spoils things you know, my self doubt and low self esteem really get on my nervs because i can see it spoiling things, and i'm confused hmmmmmm.

Well thanks for reading guys, if you made it this far I congratulate you! Have a cookie :)

Until next time.
