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My car got broken into this morning ffs! *sigh*

Too my suprise my dad woke me up at 5:30 this morning, uttering the words "Lewis someones tried to brake into your car". I can't write what I was thinking because gamespot won't allow it =/. Anyway I go to my car and they've tried to open my door with a crow bar so the top of my doors sticking out by like 5 inches , much to my annoyence :(

Anyway me and my dad managed to push the door in a bit, so it was only sticking out 2 inches. Unfortunatley it wasn't just my car which the thieving pieces of scum which should quickly perrish in hell had tried to break into as 4 other cars had thier doors bent open.

I've just got back from taking my car to the garage to get it repaired, the dud said it'll cost around £35-£40 for him to fix the door, but If I want it repainted it'll be £140 which i'm not paying.

The most anoying thing about the whole situation is that i'm ahving to spend my money because some scum bag has damaged my car, I really wish I could find the person who did it, I really don't know what i'd do. So angry right now.

Thanks, sorry for the rant haha.

So what do you guys think of my banner haha?


Its my fave pudding in the whole world, apple pie with vanilla ice cream, it is soooooooo nice haha ;)

So do you guys like my banner, I know I need to make it a bit longer but i'll do it later haha.


Inspired by Nikki-no-credit and Nicholai69 =/

Well yup, after reading these two guys; well Nikkis a gal, blogs, I discoverd that they have both done similar things in that they have done 5 best/worst in something so I gatherd, hey Lewis thats seems like a fun idea, and you could always claim it for your own if it catches on muhahaha :)

Anyway yeah, i'm gonna start posting my fave 5 whatevers, every monday. I'll start off with fave games, and game characters etc, and then move on to stuff like movies and bands etc.

So yeah thanks again guys ;)

Bought some new games today....

Yup, so I bought myself 3 new games today with my first wage packet, I deserved a treat as I hadn't bought a game in a long time!

Okay so i guess you're wondering what I got eh? Well i'll tell you!! Well the first game I picked up was Final Fantasy 7 : Dirge of Cerberu. I've wanted this game for ages now and I finally got it so woo! First impressions are good, yes its a helluva lot differant from other final fantasies but its quite good!

The second game I got was Dragon Ball Z : Budokai Tenkaichi 2, simply because it looks pretty cool haha (Y) First impressions are again good, fast paced fighting, and you can fly, doesn't get much better than that?

And last, but certanly not least, is S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Shadow of chernobyl, and I love this game already, its so freaky, and its a sandbox game which I like. Pretty creepy when its slinging it down with rain and you've got mutated dogs and hat not running after you haha.

Yup so thanks for reading guys, 'till next time.

Happy St. George's Day Everyone!

Yes today is the day of that good old saint of ours George. I'm proud to be english and we have our england flag hanging on our house as usual. The only problem is, is that the government doesn't seem to be proud to be English as its not a national holiday as it should be, lets hope they change their minds soon.

Have a good day everyone!

NOOOOO I got rick rolled

Haha yeah, I was finally hit by the new internet phenomina that is rick rolling. Well if you don't know what it is, on of your friends will send you a link saying something like, oh have you seen this video of great football (soccer) goals, or what ever your interests are. You click on the link expecting a flurry of exciting goals, but no, wait..hang on! you're greated by the song Never gonna give you up, sung by Rick Astley.

Yes its a WTF moment, but heres the funny part I was Rick Rolled, not once, twice or three times, but four times in one night haha.

Her's the link for your enjoyment/dispare haha.

P.S - Happy Rick rolling your friends :P

We lost in the semi-finals :(

Yeah, so I play for the college football (soccer) team and we got to the semi-finals of the league playoff thingys, but we lost 2-0 :(

It was quite a shame really because we didn't deserve to lose, it was a couple of mistakes in defence that cost us the game unfortunatly, and there wasn't a lot I could do about them either...I'm the goalkepper by the way. Another sad thing is that we were all pumped up for the game, we even had club foot by Kasabian blasting out on the stereo to motivate us...

But I suppose we have to look on the bright side as thats the best a football team has ever done from our college so we can all be proud of our selves :)

thanks for reading guys.

FF7 review done :)

Yeah so I just finished my review of FF7, its pretty long so if you guys could take the time to read it and give me your honest opinion I would very much apprechiate it. I almost didn't do it becasue I typed it all up and as I clicked save the PC crashed....I thought oh no! but fortunatley the computer recoverd it on the restart :D.

p.s - The link for my review;continue;3

If that dont work just go on the FF7 page (PS)

thanks again.

Pes 2008!

Yup, i bought pes 2008 and had it a few days now. I've got to say its the best in the series. I'll admit there are not many changes from pes 6 but why change something thats working so well? But there is noticable changes in gameplay for example, the AI is much better at defending against you and the AI is a lot better at scoring goals and one shot for them can be the defferance between victory and heartache. If your into your football (soccer) games I would not think twice about getting this game as its the best football game on the market right now.
