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Okay then....Ask me ANYTHINGGGGGGG...

Aye so i've seen a few of these splashed around gamespot so i though why not, lets my gamespot friends find out anything they want to know about me, yup so just ask me anything. I'll answer all your questionsin another blog poster later on.

Remember ANYTHING muhhahaha.


IM BACK!!! And have a lovely new banner :)

Hurray, lets all rejoyce for I, Lewis have returned to you all at gamespot as my pc has been fixed, hurrayyyyyy!

But its annoying, i was quoted 4 days by PC took 'em 8 days, its just not on, its really not! Anyway enough of that it feels good to be back.

thanks for all the supports and hugs! haha, made me feel better :)

And if you'll look to the top of my page you'll notice my wonderful new banner, all credit must go to hellboy; i'm sure you all know him!, as the banner is his brain child.

Thanks a bunch man I really owe you!


My, my, my PC has bwoookeeennn Nooooo =[

Yea my lousy piece of crap also known as my pc has decided to break on me :( I was on it before work, turned it off, tried to turn it on when I got home but the same error screen keeps coming up saying these certain files are missing or corrupt and i'm ike WTFFFF. So I don't know how long i'll be without one for sooooo, sorry guys :( I NEED A HUG =[=[

Oh and if you're wondering how i'm online now, its the works laptop or my moms haha,had to let you guys know somehow eh!

hanks guys.

My top 5 bands and their top 5 I spoil you guys sometimes.

Okay okay, now before I get started with this list, bear in mind that these top 5 bands of mine, are my current top 5 bands, because if you'd of asked me this question a year or so ago, the list would be a hell of a lot different, okay so are all the rules and regulations etc understood? Righteo, lets get underway then shall we?

5 – Killswitch Engage (aka KSE)

Before you say "ZOMFG he ist teh n00bz0r", or something along those line hear me out haha. Right yeah, I'm actually surprised at myself for liking these guys, but a magical thing happened to me about a year and a half ago, I decided to stop been prejudge mental on music and give it all a chance, hence why these are on my top 5 list. Like two years ago I'd refuse to listen to this kind of stuff, but I learnt that these guys have a lot of talent to do what they do and who doesn't like a good rock out every now and then eh? Muhahah.

KSE's top 5 (I've provided links in case you're interested)

5 – The Arms of sorrow ( )

4 – Rose of Sharyn ( )

3 – Holy Diver ( )

2 – My Curse ( )

1 – My Last Serenade ( )

4 – Sum 41

Aha, he's not so un-normal after all eh? Well maybe not, maybe so, who knows? Hmmmm yup I've always liked these guys, first started listening to them in about *thinks* year 7, sooo like 6 years or so ago. I like near enough all their songs and listening to ones like 'in too Deep' or 'Fat Lip' bring back a load of school time memories haha. Quite recently-ish they had a mini split kind of thing, but there still on the go which is good! (Y). Always good driving music, least i don't get funny looks off people for playing it loud which makes a difference!

Sum 41's top 5

5 – Walking Disaster ( )

4 – In too Deep ( )

3 – Angels With Dirty Faces ( )

2 – With Me ( )

1 – Fat Lip ( )

3 – Slipknot (haha guess you were right eh Nikki)

(old masks but you get the drift)

Now again, you may be thinking Slipknot eh? Hmmmm. But wait don't think that, think nice one Lew (Y) But yeah these have a similar store to KSE about a year and a half ago i'd of said, Slipknot? Get out of my face, you make me puke etc etc. But yeah I decided to give 'em a chance and broaden my music horizons and what do you know? I like 'em lots haha. But listening to the lyrics of their songs, they speak a lot of truth in most cases, and most of their songs have deeper meanings which i'll let you figure out for yourselves, again like KSE, I used to fail to realise the talent these sorta guys have. Both these and KSE's songs are brilliant driving music in my opinion, like a good rock out with the sound system blasting it out haha.

Slipknot top 5.

5 – Psychosocial ( )

4 – Wait and Bleed ( )

3 – Before I Forget ( )

2 – Duality ( )

1 – Vermillion pt1/ Vermillion pt2 – Since as I like both parts equally

Pt 1 – ( )

Pt 2 – ( ) Couldn't believe this was Slipknot at first lol.

2 – The Foo Fighters

Hurrah! Eh? Hmmm... Anyway don't know what that was about, but I love the Foo's never fail to impress me with their songs, and they make fantastic music videos, true comic gold in most cases! I've liked these for a while and they were only just piped for my number one spot. But they have several songs which I could listen to all day; I just really like 'em alright!? The first Foo song that really caught my eye will have been, ermmmm, best of you or DOA I think, and since then they've grown on me.

Foo's top 5.

5 – Monkey Wrench ( )

4 – The Pretender ( )

3 – My Hero ( )

2 – Best of You ( )

1 – Everlong ( )

1 – Linkin Park

Now these guys have been my favorite band since I ever started listening to music, and that will have been around about year 5 or 6, sooo maybe about 8 years ago or so. I like them because i never heard a music like it before when i was young and as I've grown up i've learned to appreciate it a lot more. I like the mix of genres they have going with the rap and rock sorta combo, I like it and it works well since they're so popular. But I often think that Linkin Park are like marmite, you either love or hate them and for me its Love. Their best song in my opinion is 'Breaking the Habit' I could literally listen to it all day i like it that much.

Linkin parks top 5

5 – Shadow of the Day ( )

4 – Numb ( )

3 – One Step Closer ( )

2 – In the End ( )

1 – Breaking the Habit ( )

Well there you have it guys, these are my top 5 bands....well for the moment at least haha. So yeah was you expecting that? Probably? Probably not? Well that sure was an emotional rollercoaster, nah not really. But was good for me because I got to listen to all those songs in the list muhahahah. Okay wonder if that gives you any clues on what i actually look like, is the puzzle piecing together? Eh well is it? Wow I ask a lot of questions don't I!!?? See yet another one! Ah well if you havn't guessed of yet I am a wierd, but lovely guy honest J

Okay thanks for reading etc, 'till next time!

10 things you probably didn't know about me....or did you?

Yeah well i've seen a few of these things floating around here on gamespot, not literaly like but you get my drift, so I decided to do one myself.

So here goes, 10 not so interesting facts about me you probably didn't know.

10 - I used to play in goal for the Hull City youth team back in the day, I was considerd a future star, no joke, then it all went pear shaped muhaha hmmm.... Doubt you'll know who they are if you're not from england or don't follow football.

9 - I have a scar running down the middle of my forehead, and i got that because I was stood on with a pair of football boots lol, never seen so much blood haha.

8 - My favirote food is my moms spaghetti bolognese, seriously i dare you to tell me you don't like it!

7 - I have, on a number of occasions, been told that my eyes look like that of a blindmans. I assure you I am not blind, besides how do you think i'm typing this?? Nah i get that said to me because my eyes are a real wierd blue (Y)

6 - My beer of choice is Strongbow, can't drink larger, non of the males in our family can lol ;)

5 - I have a brother who is ermmmmm *Thinks* 23? i think, well he's 5 years older than me put it that way.

4 - I work on a golf driving range, and yet I know nothing at all about golf, and I hate the sport, yet I was chosen to work there, strange eh!?

3 - The line I heard the most from teachers in both school and college was "Lewis is a very capible student but is too easily distracted" yeah, my decreasing grades over the years have shown that, but the key thing is I know i'm not dumb, i'm actualy smart, just have a short attention span.

2 - I am generally a very shy person, but i'm nice and all that sorta stuff. If you don't like me its your problem not mine as far as i'm concearned. I'll always tell people what i think of 'em too, no good been all fake and two faced now is there? ;)

1 - I am a very negative perosn when it comes to talking about myself, I find it hard to say good things about myself after all I am negative eh. But yeah negativity is my biggest habbit and anoyance :(

Whoaaaa 10 super interesting things there, I do spoil you guys! Nah it was boring as hell I bet.

Muhaha 'till next time!

Wii fit keeps Mii fit (haha see what i did there?)

Yeah so my mom and her BF bought wii fit for the you might of guessed. Anyway I was pretty scepticle of this product at first, but I have to say, it actualy makes me eager to exercise, and I never, ever thought i'd say that!

But yeah, I get home from work everyday and get straight on it, its truley great fun! When I first did it I was pleasantly supprised to find out I am perfect weight for my height, but after a week of doing it i've lost 3lbs, and now I only weigh 12st 11lbs and thats pretty light in my eyes considering, i'm 6ft 4/5 hmmmm.

But yeah its got all sorts of games on it, skiiing, jogging, and other exercises even yoga! i like the jogging the best, work up a nice sweat, and i'm not exagerating here, I actually feel fitter after one week of 45 min sessions a day. I could only do 5 pressups at the start i'm now on to 10, still very poor yes, but an improvement non the less.

Yes I am a very lazy person but i'm not fat, i'm skinny and weak muhahaha, but i'm not push over believe you me ;)

Oh yeah sorry for another missed top 5 list, work is demanding again :( But i'll be doing kind of a double list next week, top 5 bands and top 5 songs for each of those bands, should be errrrrrr fun?

Wonder if you guys can guess what music I like, maybe you can, maybe you can't, maybe you'd be suprised? Maybe not? So many questions, so little time.

haha, 'till we meet again my colleagues.

My top 5 boss fights.

Yeah, so its my top 5 boos fights this week. I was gonna do top 5 NPC's but I found it hard to reduce it down to 5 so i'm still workin' on that one!

Anyway this isn't a list based on difficulty or what not, its simply based on what I enjoy fighting etc.

Number 5 - Emperor Griffon (Dark Chronicle)

You might be thinking, hmmm he don't look like much. Fact is, he's not....not in this form anyway, yeah you guessed it he does get bigger and better. The reason this made my list is because its such a great fight, the story leads into it really well, and the game uses cut scenes before hand to get you ready for a fight with the evil emperor Griffon. Its an enjoyable fight on many levels, one because it can become quite tricky if you set a foot wrong in the early stages of the fight, evading his moves is key, also the music is great!

Unfortunatley I couldn't find a good quality video of this battle on youtube :(

Number 4 - Hojo (FF7)

Again this guy might not look nothing special but he does change, as you would expect with a boss :)

But yeah he made my list because it's such an epic boss fight, yes its an easy boss fight but I find it sooo enjoyable, and I think the majority of FF7 players would agree with me there. Like the Emperor Griffon fight, it also has brilliant music, and I think the music from this boss fight is my fave boss music of all time.

Link to fight - (PS - Ignore the stupid names he given his characters)

Number 3 - The End (MGS3)

Now you may be thinking, is that an old man i see before me?....well yeah it is.

But hear me out this guy is tougher than he looks! Infact he's a right pain in the backside.

He's basicly a sniper and your job is to find him, sneak up on him and kill him before he takes you out, but unfortunatley for you he's a master of evasion and uses his parrot to find you, yes he's crafty ;) But I get the last laugh by capturing and eating his parrott, yummy! :)

Oh there is a cheat which you can beat him with but why eliminate the challenge of beating this guy??

link to fight -

Number 2 - Krauser (RE4)

Yup I really like this fight, it gets your heart pumping especially when you fist play against him. He pops out from no where most the time, meaning you've got to kick his ass on numerous occasions before you finaly get him with that crazy arm of his (look at the pic) But yeah its great fun, well at least I think so!!

link to fight - (note theres tw parts to the video, use the side tab to find the other)

Number 1 - Seymour Flux (FFX)

(note it isnt seymour flux, I couldn't find a decent picture so its just regular seymour)

Yup my fave boss battle this, maily because I struggle with this boss every single time I've fought him, I don't know why but I find it insanley difficult, the hardest boss in FFX by a long shot in my opinion.

Anyway yeah thats why its number one because I enjoy a challenge and by god, this boss fight is a challenge for me!

link to fight -

Righteo, thar be my top 5 list again, i'll see what I can conjour up for next week.

'till next time!


I got a DS!! But first an apology!

Yes guys i'm sorry, I have not posted my top 5 lists for two weeks now and I apologise as I broke my promise.

But I didn't break it out of laxzyness, no I broke it out of sheer lack of time. My shifts at work has changed so monday is no longer my day off, I have also recently moved into my mothers for a while so it took a week to get those things sorted out.

Hopefuly you'll forgive me and we should be up and running again next week :)

And yes I bought myself a DS on saturday, I was stood in my local gamestation staring at them for 30 mins decided wheter to part with my cash for one, but I did in the end! I got the black one, looked the best to me, maybe not you guys' choice but I like it!

Anyway I got Brain Training with it, my brain score is currently 28, and improvement from 58 which it origionaly was! :O

I also got FF3 which is very difficult in my opinion, but I havn't played it alot yet sooooo,

But yeah my verdict so far is, very impressed indeed.

Thanks for reading see you next time!

My Top 5 Playable Characters.

Well yes folks its that time of the week again, and this weeks installment is all about my top 5 gaming; playable, characters of all time. So without further delay, lets go!

Number 5 - Chris Stone

Now unfortunately for Chris his game; Freedom Fighters, just missed out on my top 5 list as it was a pipped at the post by Dark Chronicle, but non the less Freedom Fighters is a brilliant game! (Check out my review)

Anyway onto the man himself. Chris is your everyday run of the mill plumber until....WTF crazy Russians capture his brother and take over America, not very likely I know but bare with me. Anyway Chris then decided to fight against the reds and goes underground, literally the sewers, to build up a freedom fighters army and beat the Reds out of America.
The main reason for me why Chris is such a good lead character is because he's like your everyday guy and then has to fight for his country, which is kinda patriotic, and not to mention he gives one of the greatest in game speeches of all time, for those of you who've played it its the one at the TV station, its Epic!

Number 4 - Sir Daniel Fortesque

Sir Dan is from the brilliant game Medievil if you didn't know, which again just missed out on my top 5 games list anyway, a bit more about Dan himself.

Fortesque was a promising young army officer but was shot in the eye by the first wave of arrows in the battle of Gallowmere, bad luck if I do say so myself! So after a long time has past his arch enemy a Sorcerer named Zarok, decides to cause a bit of havoc shall we say, and in the midst of all this chaos Sir Dan is resurrected and gets a second chance at becoming a hero, instead of a laughing stock!

What makes him so likable is that you can really feel this one eyed skeletons pain, and even more unlucky for him his bottom jaw has fallen off leaving him unable to talk properly, just mumbling, thanks to the subtitles you know what he's saying haha!

Number 3 - Tombi/Tomba

Yes so Tombi enters the chart at the same place as his game did, thats surely worth a round of applause right?

Anyway, whats not to like about Tombi he's got cool pink hair!!!...
Yeah but Tombi will always be one of my most memorable playable characters, simply because of nostalgia, curse you nostalgia.
Anyway Tombi goes on a mission to get his grandpas bracelet back from some evil pigs that stole it, far-fetched right? Yes but thats why Tombi and his game are so enjoyable. On Tombi's journeys you'll notice he does a lot of strange things like, bites dwarves heads to learn their language, plays a game of hide and seek with an annoying brat named Yan, meets an hundred, a thousand, a ten thousand and a million, yes a million year old man! And if thats not bizarre enough for you I dare you to find something stranger?

Number 2 - Klonoa

Lets hear it for the runner up! Well done Klonoa!Now some of you may be asking, WTF how did this guy beat Tombi and some of the other great characters? Well i'll tell you how!Now Klonoa for me was a great character to play as, he's just so errrr, adorable? Anyway enough of that, I really just feel for this guy, for those of you who have played the first, and second game for that matter, how many heartbreaks and disappointments can this guy take without going insane? I don't really want to tell you the bad things that happen to him as it might spoil the games for you if you haven't played 'em, another question is why haven't you played 'em?!
Another thing I liked about this guy is that the character design fits in with the game so well, I mean a flying dog thingy, just genius!

Number 1 - Cloub Strife (Obviously lol)

Yes even though most, if not all of you saw this coming Cloud Strife is my favorite playable character of all time.
Cloud was such an interesting character to play as, because all the way through the game you're finding new things out about this guy and his past, and the massive number of issues he has!
Some of you may be thinking, just another FF7 fanboy, well yes thats probably true, but how many of you can honestly say that this is not an interesting lead character, if you've played through the game you'll struggle to disagree with me even if you don't like the game.
Another likable feature about him is the big sword he wields at the very beginning of the game, named the Buster Sword, its not very good but has turned into a gaming icon.
Like Klonoa, Cloud also has many heartbreaks through the game, and when you discover things about his past your opinion on him changes quite a lot, but thats what makes him such a good Hero/lead character.

Big Sword = Win

Thank you all so much for reading, I really appreciate you taking your time to look at my blog.Thanks guys!

P.s - Next week look forward? to my top 5 NPC ;)Until then!

My top 5 games ever.

Yes its monday and as I promised i'll be doing my top 5, whatevers on ever monday. This week its my top 5 games, but I gueszs you know that from the blog title, anyway here goes.

Number 5 - Dark Chronicle

Now let's see, what can I say about this game. I absolutely love it, when i first played it I was simply blown away by it, its graphics, voice acting, characters and story line all are superb and really makes this an enjoyable game to play.

The story on this game takes a little while to get going, but after a couple of hours of play it really drags you in, and you really don't want to put your pad down, simply epic. The fighting system was unique for me, I've never played a game with this fighting system, as I never played its prequel; Dark Cloud, and I really liked it, makes the game more challenging, especially when your weapons are breaking down every 5 minutes!

For me the most enjoyable thing about this game was the Georama, which is basically where you have to rebuild towns to alter the future, and you can visit the future by using special stones that the two main characters have. And you have to build the towns in certain ways to make sure that the future turns out how you want it to! Another cool thing is that you can develop and evolve your weapons, which adds to the sense of achievement in this game.

There's too many things to cover here, like fishing, and fish racing, taking photos and inventing items, so I'll just say its a gaming experience you won't soon forget.

So yes, if you haven't played this game it is an absolute must!

Number 4 - Diablo II (including Lord of destruction expansion pack)

Now Diablo for me is a really terrific game, just looking back on all the fun times I had on this game with my friends from school on makes me smile haha! Anyway yeah, its not your typical monster slaying game as there are a variety of quests to complete, and you collect money and armour from monsters, and even get special or rare items from boss monsters.

So you ask what's so special about that? Well it's just so much fun to play! Battling through endless hoards of monsters with your pals! There are several character types on Diablo II which include, the paladin, Amazon, sorceress, necromancer, barbarian, assassin and druid, which all have their own skills and armour, and all look pretty cool to be honest!

The spells and skills all look really, erm mystical? When you cast them and it just enhances the visual type used in this game. If I can give you advice, make sure you have quite a few potions spare when playing this game as it gets a lot tougher once onto the nightmare and hell difficulties.

So again I'd highly recommend this game, especially if you like to play games with your friends.

Number 3 - Tombi aka Tomba

Tombi, what a truly brilliant, yet bizarre game. I first played this game at the age of 8, I'm now 18 if you didn't know, and I still get as much joy out of it now as I did when I was a child. You may be asking, why is there a boy with pink hair jumping onto a pig on the front cover? Well I'll tell you. Basically, to cut a long story short Tombi, our boy hero, had his grandpas golden bracelet stolen from him by the evil Koma pigs, and yes I did warn you this game is Bizarre!

The thing that makes this game so enjoyable is its endless amount of charm, I mean what's not to like? The artworks beautifully done, the music is just fantastic, I guarantee you'll be whistling it for weeks to come! And the story is solid to say the least.

There are a wide number of beautifully designed places to visit, and a lot of strange things to see, like a talking monkey haha. Tombi also has a number of weapons you can find, like various boomerangs, a grapple and the ever famous black jack; its kind of a flail type thing. One way in which you can tell this game is good, is the price tag that it has on it on eBay nowadays, usually around 40-50 quid! But worth every penny!

Don't get me wrong I can now complete this game in just over an hour, but its one of the best hours you can spend on a game believe me!!

P.S - I have written a review for this game so check it out if you want to know more.

Number 2 - Final Fantasy X

Let's have a round of applause for the runner up! So close but not number one!

This is, no doubt, no questions asked, the best gaming experience I've ever had on the PS2. It's a game of truly epic proportions. I remember first playing this game on a demo, and since I loved the FF series already I had to have it.

The graphics were stunning, which we've come to expect from final fantasies, the voice acting crisp and well spoken, the music score superb, a fantastic story and much more.

A new fighting system was introduced into FFX, which was a lot different from FF's of old, but I liked it, it made you plan out your attacks more carefully, and gave you a better chance to strategise your fights. I loved all the characters on this game, they were all well designed, and I think Square did a fantastic job of getting the right voice actors to play them. My favourite character on this game has to be Wakka, he's a cool customer who is useless, yet brilliant at the world of Spira's favourite sport blitzball (those who have played the game will know what I mean.)

The music on this game is one of squares best, my personal favourite is the music on Besaid Island it so chilled out and relaxed and always puts a smile on my face listening to it.

The story is pure brilliance but its nothing less than we've come to expect form the FF series, and it could even bring a tear to even the hardest man's eyes, not mine of course ;) I don't want to spoil it too much for you if you haven't played it, but the endings quite shocking, and upsetting?

There is no levelling system in this game as it has been replaced by the Sphere grid, which is basically a big bored which you move around filling the gaps with the required spheres to boost your stats and learn new abilities etc.

Again I highly recommend this game if you haven't played it, a true master piece.


Number 1 - Final Fantasy VII

Well this is my number one game of all time, because quite frankly I've never had a gaming experience like this in my whole life, Final Fantasy 7 is truly the complete package what you could wish for in a game.

The story in this game is fantastic, really immerses you into it quickly and keeps you hooked until the very end, which is key, for a game of its length. It also has many plot twists along the way, and you'll be uncovering secrets nonstop as well which can change your perspective on a situation or a character.

The characters are all superbly designed, apart from one, Cait Sith I really, really hate this character, I'd do anything to get it removed from gaming history, anyway haha. My favourite character in this game is the lead male, Cloud Strife, he's an odd one, a bit like me really but he's got some dark secrets and you never really know what's going on with him until the latter parts of the game. There are a bunch of other cool characters in this game, like the NPC Reno who is sooo awesome, take my profile picture for example that's him muhahah.

This game has possibly the best musical score in a game in history. It's truly epic to say the least! Every area has its own unique sound and all fits well with the emotion of the scene or that point in the story. This game also has arguably the best boss battle music of all time; although my personal favourite in this game is the Jenova Boss battle music, check it out on YouTube if you don't know what it is.

There is a huge number of weapons to collect in this game, along with huge numbers of secret bosses, hidden areas and hidden summons ;) And you also fly around in an airship :)

Anyway i've written a review on this game so please read through it for more of my opinion on this truly magnificent game.

Thank you guys so much for reading :) Means a lot to me ;)

Until next time =D