The title is deceiving from this article. Stole the show??. I watched it with anticipation and all I saw was indie games and nothing really new other than the release date. I think they blew their bankroll on E3.
I find it funny that everyone still forgets that for 7 years Sony blundered along..They really did. They come out with a console that mimics nothing new other than old policy of their competitor. The other company, MS, made a PR disaster out of E3...which the only thing that myself personally did not like was the 24 hr check in. I dont trade games because GS rips off the consumer. So, back on point, so MS said they are listening, made the changes that people wanted and certain people still cant seem to understand they are doing what the customer wants. Its a shame really, because a few of the people on this site cant afford a PS4 or an X1 and they seem to do the most complaining...we cant trust MS on this or they will change policy on that...I cant trust them cause of X. These are the people who are most blinded by what they choose not to see or remember.
Coming from a parents perspective, I can afford both systems, which I have 2 PS4's and 2 X1's day ones pre-ordered. I can see the system shortages being the top issue this season because a certain company, namely Sony, took too many pre-orders. I am going to cash in at this holiday season by selling my extra PS4 and X1 for top $$...
I wont reserve any games on the MS system because I will Download them all. Unfortunately I have to have a physical disc for the Sony system in order to have the game.
Its not the system that decides the success, but rather the software that is running on it. I see MS with a better line up at launch..its just true in my eyes. Sony may have something else to show at TGS, but they need to do something as I dont want a machine that runs nothing but 10000 indies and only a couple of good titles at launch
Ok here we go with my only comments because there will be backlash about this game, especially around the Holidays when its on little Johnny's Chrsitmas list. It has a ESRB rating of?? M or A depending on where you live So little johnny should not be playing this as 10 year old. What ever happened to being responsible parents? Keep your little demon darlings off a game like this...the rating system is there for parent to be informed and make decisions based on it..Heck, what about looking on the Internet and read about it... since all I see is plenty of parents more interested to whats on facebook than their own children.
@RicanV @MCTJim what I get out of the article is they are going to have premium type channel that you pay this going to be like an app on the dash..?
wait, so I understand, people kill MS for having TV feature on their system which does not require xbox live except for the interactive fantasy football etc, now Sony is charging you to watch TV...not sure I get it and nor do I want to understand.
MCTJim's comments