those who have some knowledge, I applaud you all. But, to those who say but but GDDR5>DDR3 and 50% more HP. You all have not a clue and pretend to, you hide behind the knowledge of others. A developer who has had time and hands on with each system has said the are so close they are really the same..has a clue and the knowledge. Its so easy to take his word and criticize his expertise.. . you all can fanboy all you want on each system, but when it comes down to it..the only difference will be what console has the best games and offers the most for our money. I've been in this industry for 25 years, I have a clue and the knowledge of how system architecture works and how to use it. the tools you are given to make each system excel is one of the most important part development you have.
Now, as with the usual way these forums/boards comes the hate and the naysayers...So have fun
Here come the haters to this announcement. We still dont know the final specs and the rumors on the GPU gettting bumped up some were true. Now I wonder about the RAM...also I also wonder about the embedded RAM specs about 190GB/s..but it doesnt do... and games is what we will play!!
He got mad at someone calling him a tosspot? Sigh..if you cant take the heat..get out of the kitchen. Though I don't condone what people did...its amazing how people think hiding behind anonymity gives them the power to spew profanity at someone. Now, its obvious to most people that he got mad, took his ball and went home. THis is not the first time he has gotten pissy...over nothing more than words.
well, you have compensate for the extra buttons on the controller vs the Vita. So this is more common just cant plug in the vita to the console and expect it to be a controller. Or did I miss something? I remember them saying something about it, but I guess its not the Wii u controller now is it
@EL_Bomberdor @MCTJim My whole point was to point out common sense. If you took it as a swipe at your beloved PS4, then so be it. When people have to throw out profanity to make their point and hide behind anonymity they are insecure with themselves and their choices. Also in the end it will be the games that decide the systems success..nothing more
all I can say about this entire article is common sense prevails..DiD everyone think that the PS4 actually only used 1 gig for the OS and other system functions..LOL...this is not really news its more of a wake up call to all the fanboys. It doesnt matter when it comes down to..Games are what is going to make or break the system.
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