How did I know that people would find fault with a fault system that is designed to work just like you would have in a PC to prevent overheating..geez people its a fail safe to prevent overheating.
@wizardboyus and you just proved my point..nice free hacker service by Sony..Now by paying for something, I hope they get their heads out of their rears
@clynch0527 @MCTJim MS live accounts get "hacked" because people give out their info so willingly..that is fact...fact of the matter is Sony let you rot..4th largest in the history of hacking and my whole point is that you all forgave them so easily..LOL..Oh and it just wasn't once..its was 3 times too..LOL..great security for a free service
@bennehftw @MCTJim @Hiliary not me that MS got hacked in the 4th largest breach and I will agree with you...that's right Sony got hacked, denied it, let you service for a month and then comes out with..yea we got hacked and oh your personal info kinda was in it..LOL
@codeman101360 @MCTJim Not its not and its a superior service....that cannot be I guess you can blame MS for you now having to pay for your PS+.
@Hiliary yeah and Sony let hackers steal your information in the 4th largest security breach of all time...denied it and let you rot for 2 yea..keep believing your rhetoric. Oh and lets nor forget you have to PAY for your multiplayer now.
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