Don't get me wrong, I think the game has some issue, but I've been having a lot of fun. Even though the gameplay is heavily inspired by CoD, I think the gameplay is fun because the nanosuit has changed how I've approached combat. Yes, the lack of options is a huge blow (which I hope will be remedied by release...), but I find it to be a very enjoyable multiplayer experience. PS: Crappy AA blurring has to go...
MGS-GrayFox's forum posts
I think it's alot of fun, it just needs to be 8 v 8. I noticed in the other thread ppl were complaining about only being able to use preset classes. You know you have to unlock the ability to make cutom classes right? Also you can see stealthed opponents using a visor (forgot what it's called)
I got about an average of 80 frames on my GTX 570 at 1920 x 1200 on Gamer! Can't wait for the full version!
[QUOTE="OmegaPillow"]Because you dont mind being milked. Explanation? Hey guys, jill is on the disc but shes not complete so, pay up 5 bucks and we got you. That is not the reason on why they are charging us, they are charging us so we can get the character. She is on the disc for the people who got the Limited Edition. And its just $5, man.This is one of the reasons I purchased the limited edition game. Capcom announced early on that Jill and Shuma would be DLC; you reallyshouldn't be surprised that they're charging for them. These two characters should be thought of as limited edition bonuses for customers that wanted the complete roster. For those of you that didn't purchase the limited, Capcom are letting you pay for them at a later date.[QUOTE="LastRambo341"] Lol, so even though they still provide a true and reasonable explanation, they're still called "fanboys"?? Ok if you say so, I don't find it as a negative thing anywaysLastRambo341
So how much is Crapcom paying you for this propaganda?[QUOTE="Locutus_Picard"]
[QUOTE="LastRambo341"] Its a penalty because you're missing out on one of the best games of this year. Capcom couldn't put EVERYTHING into the disc due to budget and time constraints. If you looked at the article, Shuma and Jill are INCOMPLETE, that is why Capcom delayed the availability of those characters.LastRambo341
A free DLC character?
A million dollars!
I'm just stating what I think is true and reasonable
I'm with LastRambo341 on this one. It has been proven that the character is incomplete. She lacks the voicework and her moves have yet to be balanced. What's the big deal? Would it have been better if they didn't put the incomplete character data on the disc and charged everyone to download her? In the end, it's pretty much the same thing because you'll still have to pay up to use her.
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