MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN's forum posts
Go to your router settings and mess around with security settings. Also setup port forwarding for your xbox 360, and make it your dmz host as well. I can't really go in-depth with this because I do not know your ISP(Internet Server Provider) or what kind of router you have. Your best bet is to figure all of that out and either go on a scavanger hunt on google or just call your ISP and let them help you. You shouldn't be calling Microsoft because it isn't their fault.
I guess it just comes down to how much time you spend playing the game. For the NBA 2K series "Hall of Fame" difficulty isn't an issue since i've been playing them since NBA 2K back on dreamcast, so i'm set for the cpu. However, Madden NFL 08 on the other hand is a completely different story. On "All Madden" difficulty the cpu just flat out grills you, atleast in my situation. They sack you 5 or 6 times a game. You throw to an open guy and next thing you know 3 or 4 people are guarding him and waiting for the pick. I agree Rainbow Six: Vegas does a very good job with this problem. Realistic is realistic. One two shots and you are dead and same goes for them. Most people have a hard time with those games because they do not realize Rainbow Six games are tactical shooters and not run & gun. Another game or should I say series that demonstrates those unhuman qualities is CoD on veteran difficulty and HALO on legendary to some extent.
[QUOTE="petch117"]do you keep all your achievements and friends if you change it?A_Jolly_Monster
No you start off completely new and all the money and time you spent on those games is completely worthless.
You should go check your sources...
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