They myth wasn't busted because on easy it could take you 5 hours to complete the story considering it takes me 1hour on average to complete a level on legendary. Yes, i'm accurate on the time because when you play the meta game it shows you how long it takes.
Are you stupid? Filing a class action lawsuit against Microsoft. Have fun with that. The only thing you will get is a counter-lawsuit for trying to ruin their public image. It wouldn't matter if they built a bomb into the 360, you can't win.
They are complaining because half of them don't have the game and haven't actually expierenced them and if you even bring up the fact yeah I played the beta that's bs because the graphics are so much better than the ones in the beta.
It's a gravity hammer and it's only a one hit kill if you strike them directly with it. Otherwise if they are in the gravity circle then it just takes down their shields. It can also fling grenades and vehicles away from you.
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