@bukmeikara: Eh, I give it an 8/10 honestly. Im looking at it through the lens of an adventure film. I didnt go in there thinking it was going to be a scene for scene adaptation of the 2013 game...that would have been boring, since I already saw that story.
As for the magic and mythological stuff, that was my favorite part. It really kept you guessing, which reminded me so much of Indiana Jones. Yes the game handled her maturing into a survivor a bit better, but it had more time to do so. I think the pacing was pretty good, and the chemistry between characters worked pretty well. Definitely had some cheesy cliche dialogue, and a few national treasure moments.
Lara's character was good. She wasnt super moody, or too perfect. She was pretty normal, which I liked. I feel like if Bruce Wayne can go on the lamb and run away from his money for years in Batman Begins, so can Lara Croft. So that didnt bother me at all.
@RaveNRolla: Claudia Black may be getting a little older, but I think she could still pull off Yennefer, she has the right attitude and the perfect voice.
@gleencross: its 35.99 Here, so it is pretty cheap for us. It sucks that it seems they are gouging you out where you are. I have to say at least Attilla, and Thrones and warhammer have Grand Campaigns. Napoleon was a full priced Scenario pack, Imagine going from a game, albeit a broken one, in where you can conquer 3 continents, to a full priced title that lets you conquer France and Italy.....LAME.
I dont like any of the Warhammer titles, the sooner they finish with that and get back to the historical titles the better.
Ill have to say Rome 2 at the launch might have been God awful, but it plays damn well today...not Shogun 2 quality for sure, but Definitely got me putting 500+ hours into it. Empire divided was a really fun DLC too.
@gleencross: Interesting that you dont criticize them for Napoleon, which was even less of a game than Thrones of Brittania is looking to be, and Thrones is being sold for cheaper at release.
Also Id have to say EMpire is the most hated game in the seires... at least they fixed Rome 2. Empire is still fundamentally broken.
MXVIII's comments