@orthodox1976 You are an idiot. I will no longer continue this discussion until you get an education. Your logic is the worst I have seen thus far. Right because scientists only work on one thing, and when that thing is done they all lose their jobs and go home. Stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Its people like you that make me wonder hwo we ever made it out of the dark ages lol.
@orthodox1976 LOl, I have friends workiing in those research labs today, working on real live cures. I think you need to wake up and get out of your paranoid delusional world and come back to the real one. Splitting an atom is easy. You can do it with flour, sugar and a 9 volt Battery. Making plasma is easy, you can do it with a candle and a microwave. Lasers are easy, they already occur nnaturally all you need is a power source. Life is NOT easy. Diseases grow and evolve, Viruses are an entirely different life form altogether, that mutate and change so rapidly, anything you could develop would be completely useless just as fast. You know nothing of this kind of science, or the work that goes on with it. You keep surrounding yourself with your conspiracy theories. However where we are in medicine, is miles from where we were when we split the atom. In fact we already have cures for certain kinds of cancers. So that already disproves your theory.
@Renoo27 Well the Spartans werent created to fight Aliens. They were created to help fight the insurgents during the civil war. Imagine instead of commiting 60,000 marines to fighting small groups of guerilla terrorists, reducing the relations o fthe countries you are operating in and destabalizing the region. We can use smaller specialized elite commandos like the master chief, who can get in, get the job done, and get out, requireing little resources and support.
@orthodox1976 Most of the research done in the field of genetics isnt done by pharmaceutical companies. So yeah, research is being done on cures for viruses and diseases. We've made quite a bit of headway too. Especially in the cure for HIV. Right now we have a retrovirus of a version of Herpes that actively attacks the HIV virus in monkeys. SO thats a good start. The research also showed us that Viruses like any other lifeform, is inherently territorial, and already actively fight amongst each other in the host body. It would do you well to be more informed.
@orthodox1976 Genetic modifications in lifeforms is what led to the retrovirus, which is the first step in building real cures for viruses, and genetic diseases.
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