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Macgyver40 Blog

Most Memorable Commercials

Most commercials that are placed on tv are just not that good but every once in a while they have some ones you just can not forget and here are some of my favorites:

all video from youtube

A Shift In Focus

I decided to blog about something other than games and gamespot just to keep things fresh. i just got my left ear pierced again which leaves me with 2 piercings in my left ear. i will also be getting my second tatoo later on in the summer because my artist has a long waiting list but he is really worth it because he is one of the best in the buisness. i can not wait for this. also i am planning on getting a ps3 at some point. The funny thing about ink is it is very addicting and like potato chips you just can't have one. i hear people talking about "the pain" involved with getting a tattoo and it is not that bad at all because it all depends on the placement of the design as well as the size and detail that may be involved. The healing process is like havung a sunburn. oh well that is all for now8)

Banners, Avitars, and Tags Troubles

I just recently bought phototoshop and i am learning some fun concepts with this new software unfortunately it is slow going because my computer skills are how shall we say.... not that good. I will be buying a new digital camera at some point so i know that the software will help with this but i also know that it will help me make banners and tags, along with other cool stuff. my only problem is i don't know how to make banners and tags at all, in fact i don't even know the actual dimentions these things need to be in inches or centimeters. I know that avitars are 80x80 pixels, banners are 760x140 pixels and tags are 350x19 pixels, the funny thing is i don't even know what the heck i just said never mind in knowing what it means. I realize that most people here on gamespot know what this stuff means as well as alot of other stuff, but i don't know this stuff as embarrasing as it may be it is the absolute truth. I have been trying to find out if there is a union or people here on gs who might be able to help people like me learn how to do this stuff. if there is not any help then maybe someone should make a union dedicated to teaching people like myself about computers and how to use great software such as photoshop. I hope that i can find a group of people or an individual who might want to help noobs like me to become a more productive member on gs. In the meantime i have a user who has helped with all my visual needs on gamespot and with whom i feel alot of gratitude towards. My wish is to be able some day to return the servise to this awesome and talented gamespot user. I would like to be able to give something that i have createad as a token of appreciation because this person has done so much for me and their door is always open to make visuals for users here at gs. For the moment any visuals that are made for me, i big sincere thank you will have to do.

Photoshop elements version 5.0

I just purchased this software last night. i have been insipired with all of the great artwork here on gs in terms of banners, tags, avitars, and homade emblems. I would like to be able to make these things as well and i know one has to start someplace so i bought this computer program and i hope that i will be able to start the learning proccess. I would welcome any and all help from people who know how to do stuff like this, if they would give me some pointers. I already have my account set up at photobucket so if  i get some things i like i will load them there so people can see also i will post some stuff here so people can offer some pointers.

The Tough Decisions Have Been Made

The tough decisions have been made and i do mean tough. I have chosen which unions i will remain officers in and which ones I will not. To the union leaders that i have resigned from my officer positions it is not because i did not like the union ordid not have anything else to offer it is simply a matter of priorities for me and time. You guys are all great and i will continue to support your unions the best that i can.I have decided to showcase union tags in this blog, because i can only have so many tags in my sig at one time. As i write this i am waiting on two special tags that i am going to be placing in my sig when the time comes. I hope you guys understand.

= Proud to be the leader and a huge fan of the show

= This union is really awesome and have alot of great memories

= Really fun union for all fans of splinter cell

= Really awesome union where you can have tons of fun

= Great union, led by a great friend and is a place where i have learned alot

= This union is awesome where the users are friendly and helpful and is a great place to start your emblem collection

=A union thatI became aco-founder with a great friend

= This is just a great tag

= Fun union for all Ratchet and Clank fans and Jak and Daxter fans

= I just joined this union because i love dragons

= just got promoted in this union and it rocks

Magyver Fan revised= one of my first attempts at making userbars (I though these were tags I'm such a noob)

Princeofpersiaofficer.jpg= my first few attemps at making user bars

Godofwarofficer.jpg= Here is another one of my creations

= A great union for star wars fans

= I love jim carrey because he is so funny

As i join more unions and get more union tags i will post them here along with thoughts

I Have A Dilema

I am having a dilemma which is causing me to scratch my head. The dilemma is about the unions that i belong to. I have officer status in almost every union that i belong to, with some exceptions where i am a recruit or leader. I have many obligations in my personal life and here at gamespot. I am finding that some of the unions that i am an officer in are not getting the attention that they need and it is not because i have nothing to offer in these unions, rather it comes down to  having not enough time in the day to meet all responcibilities that i have. I think that i'm going to have to scale back on some of these officer responcibiliies the problem then becomes which ones do i keep and which ones i don't. I have made alot of great friends in all of my unions and i do not want to risk hard feelings because i resign from my officer status in their union. Some of my unions are not subject for debate because my status in these unions are where i want to be. The unions that i am considering giving up my officer status in are really great unions but i can not be there in the ways that i know that i need to be. For now i will think on it and if people respond then i will consider peoples comments as i try to make these really hard choises.:? :question: :|

When did video games loose their fun factor?

I remember my friends and I would gather all the quarters we could and go to the local arcade and spend the day playing video games. When Atari came out we thought that we died and went to heaven with the idea that video games could be played at home. The Nintendo 64 came along years later with better selection of games and graphics that was the latest and greatest for the day. People were still playing games for fun and they spent their days talking about what games they like and what game they had beat. Beating a game back in those days meant personal pride rather than bragging rites of today's games. The ps one came out and redefined the video game world with superior graphics and people were all a buzz. The things changed radically when the ps 2 and xbox came out. Gamers started the console wars with which system was the best and as the games became more technically involved so did the attitudes of the gamers. Today as I look back on the 360 launch and the ps 3 launch I see a completely different reason for playing games. It seems to me that today the only way beating a game counts if you have every side mission done and every last thing is accomplished. Secondly with the online capabilities of today's games, gaming is about achievement points and who has the most kills or standing on the leader boards. It is hard to have fun when you are playing for bragging rites rather than fun. I actually don't blame Sony or Microsoft for this I have to look to the gamers. Gamers fall into the trap of having the bigger better gaming system and the best game collection. This is a lead into getting the most achievement points and holding the top slot on some leader board. The gaming industry has fostered this attitude with the supply and demand theory which is just another way of game makers saying there is money to be made and we are going to make it. I think that it is a sad day when people get shot or injured while waiting in line for days so they can have bragging rites that they were the first to get the new ps 3 or xbox 360. Gaming has stopped being fun and has become a competition to be the best and I think that gamers need to get back to the notion of games are supposed to be a source of fun entertainment rather than being a top dog status symbol8)

Something to make you smile

Just a quick blog tonight i was on youtube today and found this clip that makes me smile so i thought i would share this with all my friends. I am pretty impressed with youtube because you can find some things that are weird, cool, funny, and out of the ordinary. Fortunately this falls into the funny column. People need to rethink the meaning of bird brain. check this out to see what i mean:

Enjoy this really cool video from youtube8)

The violent video games and violent society myth

There are few subjects that evoke extremely strong reactions in people just by simply mentioning them. Women's right to choose, firearm owners, same sex marriage and violent video games are just some of the hot button topics in the world today. As with any issue such as these there are always 2 opposing sides of the issue. One side believes that violent video games influence, and for some, cause individuals to harm themselves or others. The flip side to this is the right of free speech and artistic expression. There is one major flaw in both points of view, and that is the issue of personal responsibility.

            When people point their fingers at the gaming industry and say that game makers are the cause for people being violent is like blaming McDonalds for making people overweight. These kinds of statements suggest that if these things were not present then we would not have angry and overweight people. The reality of statements such as these is that blame is placed on someone else rather then the individual taking the responsibility for their choices.

            Game makers on the other hand, jump to the same argument every time and that is the right of freedom of expression and their right to free speech. When they make this argument they feel no sense of responsibility or obligation to change the content of some of their games. As a result they create games that will be the next big title that will make them lots of money. We live in a world where sex and violence is big business.

            There is a certain hypocrisy in the entertainment industry and society. People cheer wildly when Jango Fett was beheaded in the Attack of the clones because this is entertainment. Yet when the grand theft auto main character beheads a "bad guy" people become enraged because they feel this is inappropriate.

            The lawmakers can not pass laws on moral and personal responsibility. People need to start accepting the responsibility for their choices. Parents need to make time to listen to their kids so they can spot when a child might be having some troubles. As for the game makers, they are not going to be changing anytime soon.

            I feel that violent video games have their place in society and they are not the demons that people want to make them. The question then becomes is it better to have people express their angry feelings by playing a violent video game, or is it better to limit access to violent video games and have people express their anger towards themselves or someone else