I have been a member of gamespot since June and when i joined, my view of gamespot was different than it is in the present day. My first impression of Gs was one of excitement at what appeared to be a place to meet new people, make friends, and talk about my love of games. All these things I have experianced with many of Gs users, but what i see now is seemingly very different from this first impression. Today I see Gs as a place where competition is fierce amongst unions which leads to stress, and a lack of patience . People are getting caught up with who has the most posts or who has the better emblem. I see people with a crazy amount of friends and i wonder how many people actually know anything about these friends or is that just a numbers game as well. These are general observation of course, I have certainly found many exceptions to what i am speaking about. I have found many people who are very helpful or appreciative for something you said or done or whatever. As a result of this i have met some great people. There are always exceptions to the rules, and I believe that most people involved with Gs are people who want to have fun. I would be lying if I said that number of posts, friends, and or level did not mean something to me, because it does, but not for the reasons that some may think. However, there is the trap, and it seems that people are so caught up in the highest level, most friends, best union and what ever other numbers game that is involved with Gs. It seems to me that people are forgetting that the gs community should be about having fun and enjoying our love for games. This competition trap of being the best really takes the fun out of things and grows tiresome very quickly. Instead of giving into the temptation to leave Gs behind which is a thought I've had in the last few weeks because of this lack of fun. I think that for now I am going to concentrate on being part of the solution rather than being part of the problem. I will continue to be what I think is a positive influence in this community, and try to get back to the basics in life and what brought me here in the first place and that is to have fun.:D:P8)
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