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Macgyver40 Blog

I'm In For A Long Ride

Well the time is upon me where i leave the world of leveling up in a reasonable amount of time to slow as molasses. I will be hitting level 20 tomorrow and i think that maybe by march of next year i may be out of it but we will see. I know lots of people have had to go through this and i think perhaps gamespot might consider giving all gs users a special emblem for surviving the never ending level of level 20. From everything i hear about level 20 it will be as time is frozen in the moment that level 20 hits your profile. This is all good because it won't last forever. I would say that i have done reasonably well for being a gamespot member for only 6 months.:D

Something happy for a change

I just bought a 360 last night and i'm loving every minute of it! the graphics are great even though i don't have high def tv. The first three games i got for it is dead rising, perfect dark zero, and full auto. i am looking forward to games like fear and gears of war. This console is great and i have my eyes on a wii next then lastly a ps 3.8)

More Gamespot observations

I have continue to notice that people on gamespot have lost their sense of humor and things are so serious. I also noticed that it seems that people are going through the motions of being an active member of gamespot. Unions are declining exponentially and a part of the reason is that school is keeping everyone busy and they also have personal lives to balance as well. That is understandable and would not want anyone to compromise these things for gamespot. What i don't understand is people who keep moving from one thing to another that is to say as an example people start unions that they abandoned to go start multiple unions and it is almost like if you have the most unions you win. I also see alot of superficial connections being made and people going through the motions what ever happened to loyalty and caring about your friends that you make. It is most likely just me but it seems that things are this way and when you get right down to it the time here on gamespot is not expanding peoples horizons it is a snapshot of what life is like. The only thing to say is whatever.:?

Gamespot Is No Fun Anymore

I can't believe that i'm at this point on gamespot. This is usally a fun place to be but the more i look around, the more i see things, the more i'm questioning myself with how much longer i'm going to be here. I find that some users rather spend their time fighting than having fun, other users take things personally when statements were not made personal. The competition is fierce, win at all costs and what wining means is having the best union, sig, post count, and what ever else implies being number one. How did people get from joining gs for fun to this. I guess gamespot is so concearned with rules that they forgot to make this place a fun place to be. This is a general observation in that not everone on gamespot is like this. I'm speaking about the vibe or feeling that generally eminates from gamespot and there are many exceptions to what I'm speaking about.I am feeling that generally speaking people need to chill out and stop acting as if gamespot were a life and death scituation. Life is way too short to blow gamespot out of proportion. I encourage people to read some of my other blogs to see what i am speaking about. No disrespect to games spot but it is only gamespot after all. Is it not!:evil::evil::(:(

September 11, 2006 Never Forget

I'm sitting at my computer thinking about the horrible events of September 11, 2001 and here we are 5 years later. Remembering  something that happened 5 years ago and having it still  feels like it just happened yesterday, I am still so incredibly angry that this happened. This event changed the world over night and the lessons to be learned are still coming to the forefront even today. The thing that is going through my mind as I type is that we must learn from this and put aside all other issues and come together as a country because there is strength in numbers and therefore we have alot of strength. I think it is absolutely necessary that we Americans go on with our lives as we normally would because we as a country will never give into the thing that brought those buildings down and that is pure hatred for our way of life. Going on with our lives seems so trivial but it is not, I believe that going on with our lives is nothing short of pure defiance and unwavering strength. We need to honor those who died by never forgetting what happened and not giving in to the fear that we all feel as a result of what happened. I will always remember what i was doing when 911 happened just as I will remember when the challenger blew up and when Steve Irwin death was made public. People want to forget the horror of September 11, 2001 but this is something we must never do, because no matter how much it hurts we must never forget and never give in!

Hole In The World Tonight

As i sit here listening to the eagle song hole in the world tonight a song written because of 9-11-01, i'm thinking that this applies for anyone we loose. Tonight i'm speaking of the loss of the crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. I know that some people were not fans of his and others were. I fall into the fan section and it is still hard to believe that he is no longer here.Steve Irwin had his own way of doing things and weather you like the man or not the loss of this person and what he stood for is our loss. He lived with passion and believed strongly in his life's work. There will be not another person like Steve Irwin and there is a hole in the world tonight because loosing him means that the world is a little darker and a little smaller. :cry:

The Hits Just Keep Coming

This is a supplement of sorts to the gamespot vibe blog. I am continuously amazed how some users are like in this community. Some users are down right angry and explode into rages with out provocation. These same users believe that strong arm tactics is the way to go when dealing with other users. These tactics boarder on bullying to get what they want from people. The my way or the highway method may get results for the moment, and I would like to remind people who fall into this category of several things. First, It is a free country and if that is how you choose to be then fine, but know this, methods like this alienate other users as well as loosing total respect for the person that is like this. Secondly, this is a community where everyone needs to work together to make things happen and no one person can do it all by themselves, and one may want to think about this next time they go off on somebody. Lastly, when I look at the word team there is no I anywhere in the word and whether people chooses to accept this or not is completely up to them.Gs works because the individuals work together to make the community and unions what they are and the end result is that when these tactics are used they create frustration and bad feelings.This whole site would fail if every one on it was out for themselves. Gamespot is not a life or death situation and to have hostility to this level is unwanted and completely not necessary because Gs is a site where people are supposed to be having fun. I feel that these individuals need to get over what ever it is they need to get over and not take Gamespot so seriously because there are far more important issues in life than anything that could happen here on Gamespot.:evil:

Gamespot Vibe

I have been a member of gamespot since June and when i joined, my view of gamespot was different than it is in the present day. My first impression of Gs was one of excitement at what appeared to be a place to meet new people, make friends, and talk about my love of games. All these things I have experianced with many of Gs users, but what i see now is seemingly very different from this first impression. Today I see Gs as a place where competition is fierce amongst unions which leads to stress, and a  lack of patience . People are getting caught up with who has the most posts or who has the better emblem. I see people with a crazy amount of friends and i wonder how many people actually know anything about these friends or is that just a numbers game as well. These are general observation of course, I have certainly found many exceptions to what i am speaking about. I have found many people who are very helpful or appreciative for something you said or done or whatever. As a result of this i have met some great people. There are always exceptions to the rules, and I believe that most people involved with Gs are people who want to have fun. I would be lying if I said that number of posts, friends, and or level did not mean something to me, because it does, but not for the reasons that some may think. However, there is the trap, and it seems that people are so caught up in the highest level, most friends, best union and  what ever other numbers game that is involved with Gs. It seems to me that people are  forgetting that the gs community should be about having fun and enjoying our love for games. This competition trap of  being the best really takes the fun out of things and grows tiresome very quickly. Instead of giving into the temptation to leave Gs behind which is a thought I've had in the last few weeks because of this lack of fun. I think that for now I am going to concentrate on being part of the solution rather than being part of the problem. I will continue to be what I think is a positive influence in this community, and try to get back to the basics in life and what brought me here in the first place and that is to have fun.:D:P8)

Snakes On A Plane

I went to see this movie today and I was pleasantly surprised. The story was rather cheesy, but it was a real good movie. Samuel Jackson was soo good in it and there was some actually funny scenes and lines in the movie. of course this was purely fictional and it was far fetched in some areas but all in all a good movie. i would recommend this movie to people unless of course you have a snake phobia then it would not be the movie for you see.8)

Dirge of Cerberus

I got this game last night and I started playing today. The graphics are awesome, they are just like final fantasy X. The gameplay is good and as far as I've gotten the story is great. The gameplay resemble the devil may cry series. It is a cross between devil may cry meeting with final fantasy. The gameplay is not as fast paced or as challenging as devil may cry. Game features like customizing weapons is in this game and it allows you fight the bad guys a number of ways.The control scheme is solid and learning time 2 master is less than 10 minutes. Bottom line is I've loved what I've seen so far and i think final fantasy fans will love this game and I think tha people who like the devil may cry series minus the frustration will like this game. I look forward to discussing this game with others who have played this game in the future.8)