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Macgyver40 Blog

Gamspot problem?

I've noticed today that every thing is in slow motion. It takes for ever for things to load or to go to another board page or what ever. I checked my computer for viruses and nothing showed and navigating unions has been extremely hard becasue things take for ever to load. it has been really hard to navigate because of the slow down and i went to the tech support board to see if any one else has been having problems and I did not see anything. I'm hoping that the problem is due to gs trying to roll out new union formats or fixing existing problems in the system becasue what ever the problem it is making difficult to use the site and I hope that it gets fixed soon.:?

Why are so many people angry?

As I continue to be active in my unions i am starting to see that some users are sooooo angry why the heck is that. We at gamespot I thouhgt we were supposed to be having fun, I mean are we not here to meet new people, talk about games, and have fun. I mean it does not take alot to get people angry. If one posts the wrong post or if one makes a brand new thread from a dead thread they get reallly ticked off. Some wher in the tos it says it is better to make a new topic than post in a dead thread. I guess one has to say whatever, but the hostility needs to stop because when some users take these things that serious it stops being fun for the rest of the users!:?

Miami Vice Movie Impressions

I was able to see Miami Vice a day earlier than planned and as promised I am doing a blog that contains no spoilers in it. I will write general things and observations. First, Miami Vice the tv series was created with a simple concept in mind, and that was to create a music video that contained a plot. In others words, the plot was based entirely around the music. I am a huge fan of the show and I had to forget that fact and judge the movie based soley on it's own merits. With that said the movie had good points and several bad points. First the good, Collin Farrel and Jamie Foxx captured the characters of Sonny Crockett and Rico Tubbs brilliantly. They understood their characters and nailed their personalities with no problem. Secondly, the plot stayed true to the Miami Vice legend in that it had all the action, drama, and twists that made the show great! Now for the bad points. These are subtle in nature and only a die hard fan would pick up on these points. The movie lost the Miami Vice feel in the sense that it lost the music video with a plot concept and did not open the movie in true Miami Vice style. Secondly, there was a huge character deviation in the movie vs the tv series. Fans of the tv series will know what I'm talking about. In closing the over all picture was great if you are new to Miami Vice and good with some disappointment for die hard fans. I would definitely go and see it and I'm  glad that I did and will leave it up to the individual to make up their own mind.

I am going to see Miami Vice on Sunday!

I am going to be seeing miami vice this weekend and it looks awesome! I am a huge fan and I have great hopes for the movie. I hope that they have some of the same music in the movie that they had in the series. I am also hoping that elvis the alligator is a charater in the movie as well. I will post a blog entry with my thoughts and of course no spoilers! Will report back later.8)

I went to the county fair!

I went to the county fair with my family it was really cool! My two favorite things were the demolition derby and seeing wild life less than 5 feet away from me. Let's start with the derby. The demo derby was great and the hit of the evening was when this car was slammed so hard that the car was literally half the car it was when it started the derby. It was so cool. The second was even cooler because I was able to see two timber wolves, two black bears, and two mountain lions less than 5 feet away from me. They were obviously in cages but it was so cool to see these amazing animals so close that you could almost touch them. My favorites were the two timber wolves, to be able to see these majestic creatures who have been hated for years by people, and to see them as they really are was absolutely awesome. These creatures are beautiful and intelligent and something worth saving! 8)

Final thoughts about Miami Vice for psp

I just finished playing the game Miami Vice for the psp and over all things were good. The third person shooting was great! The levels were interesting with regards to location. The game fell short in a couple of areas. One the boat levels were horrible and no driving of cars. Secondly, it was very linear and repetative. There were mini games to unlock and get paid by certian drug barons and the computer hacking was frustrating towards the end. The difficulty increased with each hacking session. Finally i would reccomend it for fans of the tv series or those who want to see the movie. I beat the game in 3 days it was short and not real difficult.:P

I got my emblem back!

I got my emblem back! Glitches are part of the proccess so i guess i will exercise patience and hope that it is not a common ocurance. Secondly, when ever this happens I am in good company because if I'm experiancing these things I am sure others are as well. With that said I'm so happy!:D:D:D

I Lost One Of My Eblems

I think that gamespot glitched because i lost one of my eblems so I went to the tech support to let them know wha happend and i found that several people had the same thing happen so heres hoping that Gs fixes the problem soon. You think your making progress and wham you take a step backwards. That is okay i know this will get fixed.:question::(

pirates of the caribbean part 2

I saw the movie last night and with out going into detail the things I am willing to say are that it is really funny, lots of action, johnny depp was awesome and you must see the movie. I don't want to ruin the movie for those who have not seen it yet, so I am saying very neutral things. 

Pirates of the Caribbean

I am going to see pirates of the Caribbean tonight and I can't wait. The first one was awesome and I have heard that this one is better so what can I say but sweet! Then there are rumors of the third installment is in the process of being filmed so we have yet to see the last of Capitan Jack Sparrow. Savvy mate!:D8)