I'm almost done with this game and it is absolutely brilliant. Kratos takes on all comers in this sequel. the game-play is really fast-paced game-play with some really awesome abilities and weapons which are new to god of war. The graphics are absolutely amazing everything is clear and crisp. This time around the use different camera techniques to give the player the sense of being overwhelmed in size with some of the epic battles this game is known for. The story is really great this time around with a large portion of the story focused on who kratos is and how the choises he has made has got him into the current dilemma that he now finds himself in. The puzzle portion of this game is really great and challenging with an emphasis on challenging. the only thing i can say bad about this title is that some of the controls for certain abilities are not as responsive as i would like to have seen but all and all god of war 2 is a must for gamers. This title is darn near perfect but at the end of it all i give god of war 2 a 9.7 because this game has everything a gamer could want in an epic game such as god of war.:P 8)
Macgyver40 Blog
The Emblems union
by Macgyver40 on Comments
I recently joind the emblems union on gamespot this a union where you can discuss emblems and the place where you get a heads up for possible new emblems. Also there are really great people here who are always willing to help each other when people need help. I'm just a recruit but i love the union and the leader Fastesttruck is a great leader. Fastesttruck was one of my first friends here on gs and i would encourage my friends and other gs users to join this great union.
Here Are Some of My Favorite Things:
by Macgyver40 on Comments
I have many other interests besides gaming and here is just a sample of what i enjoy:
1. Let's begin with 24. Fans of this show need only to hear that to know what I'm speaking about. A clip from last season. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl45mrwQADQ
2. Miami Vice the way it should be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaO7OnXjd9E
3. Highlander with all it's magic and splendor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiulayUn1vQ
4. The shield with it's gripping and emotional story lines: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bswHv8jR6HI
5. Pink Floyd with their amazing lyrics and guitar talent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wtiNzci1Wc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DXCHa9BYfE
6. Queensryche with their amazing vocals of geoff tate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWx9mWLzVag
7. Collective soul who are just great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVgKXwl7p7A
8. Take to the air with the blue angels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD25Fr8_KEs
9. Tom Clancy great books that make great movies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHBS2FC2zfQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxIp_Jt30sU
10. Being a wildlife warrior with the immortal Steve Irwin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYMzF1BljMo
All video clips courtesy of youtube. I hope you like some of my favorite things.
Free At Last!!!!!
by Macgyver40 on Comments
Goals For June 27, 2007
by Macgyver40 on Comments
You might say what the heck is so important or great about 6/27/07, well i will tell you, it will be my one year anniversary as a gamespot member. With all that being said i would like to challenge myself in achieving 3 goals by this time. First, i would like to try and be at level 30 in my gamespot profile. Secondly, i would like to achieve 150 friends for my contacts list. Lastly, i would like the most important goal to be reached by then and that would be getting a 60 gb PS3, because i deserve to give myself this kind of present.
Some of these goals may be silly to some but i figure what the heck, well i'm on game spot posting in all my unions, checking out the latest game updates or just talking to friends I'll keep these goals in mind. The only goal that has any serious meaning is getting the ps3 the rest is really not that important to me whether i reach them or not, it is merely just for fun. I might reach these goals or I might not but I'm up for the challenge. Upon reaching this date i will post a year in review of my time here at game spot which should be real interesting to say the least. Lastly, i will post the occasional blog on game spot happenings good, bad, or ugly and I will end this blog entry by saying this: We will see, what we see, when we see it.8):P:question:
I lost my ps2 emblem
by Macgyver40 on Comments
Unions on gamespot
by Macgyver40 on Comments
I belong to many unions here at gamespot and i enjoy them all, i am finding it difficult to post in every single union every single day but i'm doing my best. In most of the unions i belong to i am an officer and i enjoy being an officer and hope that i'm good at it. There may come a day when i downsize my officer responcibilities but right now i have been able to keep up and have no immediate desire to downsize. i am posting a union tag in this blog so i will be able to keep this tag for my sig just on case i get demoted or can not meet my responcibilities as an officer, i will still have a tag for the union only as a recruit.
I have no desire or concearn that i will be demoted in this union i just wanted to cover my bases. I will be posting in this union as much as i can, because this union is great.
The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
by Macgyver40 on Comments
The Best And Worst Of Gamespot Users
by Macgyver40 on Comments
I have been a member of gamespot since June, 27, 2006 and I have come to realize that the gamespot community is comprised of many different types of people all with very unique personalities. I have created my very own categories for the different users that i have seen since I've been here on gamespot. The four categories of users are very general in nature and the styles of personalities vary in degree.
Classification 1 Gamespot Allies:
These users are the very best that gamespot has to offer. These people are very friendly always willing to give advise or help a person with questions. These individuals are always supportive and will do what ever they can to make a person feel at home here on Gamespot.
Classification 2 The pseudo Napoleons:
These are the people who very simply put think that they are the big cheese yet crumble at the first sign of being challenged. These users are really nice people who need to think before acting.
Classification 3 Gamespot Intimidatetor:
These are people who have no interest in being supportive or helpful to other users. they just want to throw their weight around because they feel it is there go given right to make people uncomfortable.
Classification 4 Gamespot Snobs:
This last group of people are the worst of the gamesopt community. These individuals have a holier than thou attitude. These are people who hold themselves above all users on gamespot and are never ever wrong about anything. These individuals rush to judgement and are unwilling to make changes in their actions once they have decided on what ever it is they have decided. They also decide on who other users are and how these people think with absolutely no attempt to get to know the users before they judge their character. The bottom line is that these people are legends in their own mind.
In closing i have to say Class 1 are great and i am pleased to say that most people fall into this category and i am proud to call theses people friends. Class 2 are also great people they mean no harm to anybody and they make gamspot fun. Class 3 are simply put fall into the " what ever category." Lastly there is class 4 These people are not worth my time and energy and these are people who just need to grow up because for these people no matter how great these people think they are, there is always a bigger fish who are able to school them in ways they never could imagine.
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