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Macgyver40 Blog

Things We Have To Learn The Hard Way

I sit here thinking about life in general and i think back to my younger days and i see the irony of not listening to people because you think that you know better than they do. I realize that when people offer advise it is because they care about you and they don't want you making similiar mistakes. With that said no matter how well intended ther are some things that you just have to learn b on your own:

The musical lessons of life:

1. Sugarland teaches the lessons of rushing into love

2. Tobey Keith teaches the lessons about being the underdog

3. Tobey Keith teaches us about getting older

4. Alan Jackson teaches us about what is really important

6. Martina Mcbride teaches us being true to ourselves

Enjoy the music. ALL videos from youtube

untill next time

Happier Days Are Coming

Barak Obama is now the 44th president and this is a great moment for the world and history. The world will benefit from ths historical election. Barak will heal the country and the world by restoring hope and faith in america, by building and repairing relationships with allies, by bringing new ideas and basic belief that we are in this together and finally resore and build the moral of america and around the world.

The hisorical impact is huge for the first time in history the racial divide is beggining to close, minorities from all walks of life can be proud and know that every person counts and most importantly martin luther king has had his " DREAM" realised. For the first time people realise that a person skin color, or religeous belief is not the thing tha matters. What matters is the strength of the human spirit and that together we can change the world if and with hard work we can redefine the statement " together we stand dvided we fall" and for people all over the world on this day we stand together as one people.

The road will not be easy but happier days are coming.

untill next time....

Life Lessons: Volume 2

My own stupidity and gs admins uwillingness to bend the rules inspired this blog. I'm very sad about not getting the emblems for halloweenmania and i realize that people cant always get what they want and some people don't care about anything except following the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law:

1. If you are not the lead dog the view is always the same

2. The golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rules

3. The world meets no one half way

4. We are our brother's keeper

5. Life is not meant to be fair

6. One persom can't stand alone among the many

7. Life's meaning come from the little things, While the big things define who we are as people

8. One is responcible for their own happiness

9. The only truth that counts is your own

10. people who have nothing to loose, have lost everything

until next time....

No Breaks On Gamespot

Today is halloween and i did not get a treat but i got tricked. I participated in halloween mania and did not get my emblems and i think the reason is that i did not have the .jpg extension even tho the pictures clearly show each item to be found. Once again gamespot is all about rules. If the rules are not followed to the letter than sorry charlie. Now i know there are people who say well don't blame gs if you can not follow the rules. Perhaps there may be some truth to that however there are many times in life when people don't follow the rules exactly and they still do ok in life. I realize that gs has no flexability for anything it is just another why i think gs is going down hill. More importantly life is too short to be worrying about the politics of gamespot. Maybe i'm just having a really bad day or something like that but whatever. Someone told me that life is not supposed to be fair and i think in my next lifetime i will break all the rules in life at least i will be able to say i had fun:| :roll:

Here Is my e-mail i sent

My Username is Magyver40, I participated in the halloweenmania here are my links: 1. Black cat: 2. Pumpkin: 3.Skelaton: 4. Zombie: 5. Spider web: 6. Candy: 7. Tombstone: 8. Bat or Bats: 9. Ghost: 10. Devil: Extra Credit hotdog: Thanks Magyver40

Has Gamespot Lost It's Gaming Edge?

I have been wondering about gamespot these days. It seems to me like gamespot has really been losing momentum. Gamespot has lost it's unique vibe that it once had. Gamespot does not offer half the emblem opportunities like it once did, unions seem to be dead or dying. What the heck is going on here?

The new beta format gives an overall new look to the site which is all well and good but it is the community that keeps things moving. The gs community needs something new and fresh to encourage users to become more involved and to make gs stand out from all of the other gaming sites.

I understand that gs admins are very busy and they are all working very hard and i am wondering if the staff is concearned that the morale in the community may be a bit low. It could be that I'm loosing interest in gs but i have lots of friends here and it is because of them that i continue to come here. I just can not shake the feeling that gs could use a shot in the arm to bring it's shine back and breathe some fresh new life back into the community.:?

Until next time....

Things That Make Me Say Hmmm.....

As I sit here at my computer and i patrol my unions and catch up with friends i find myself being consumed by many thoughts. Some thoughts may be good, some may be bad, and some may have absolutely no place being even thought of. First, i have to say that i have been playing been playing lego batman for days now and i'm not bored with it. I beat forcedunleashed 3 times and needed something different. Anyways, i don't know what it is about the lego series of games but i really enjoy them and i laugh all the way through them. I think that i am to old to being playing legos but i do.

Secondly, i find myself being totally obssesed with design i even have dreams about it. I will be learning some new techniques soon because i feel that i have leveld out and looking for new skills to master. I don't know i think that i am very obssesive or i could say I'm a perfectionist which leads me to point 3.

Does perfection exisit? The short answer is no. This is an elusive goal which can drive sane people insane while trying to achieve the impossible.

Also i find myself being addicted to gs it is like being addicted to a drug you like it for a long period of time then you don't like it wears you down after awhile. I keep coming back again and again why do we do this to ourselves.

Too much philosophy for now, i'll just stick to what i know i have friends and obligations that keep me coming back and i will not slow down any time soon.

untill next time......

Why Does It have to be this way????

This a real short blog. I am sick of my old banner image and icon image, so i go to change them put the new urls in and apply change and i get one green block and then nothing. After 20 minutes of doing this my banner finally changed and my new icon image shows up ever where else but in my profile. WTF!!!!! Gamespot glitches or technical difficulties. Has Anyone else had this problem or is my profile just cursed.:roll:

EDIT: I had my new banner up and now it is gone!!! WTF!!!!!:twisted:

Goodbye to a cherished friend

I have not had a chance to be here for a couple of weeks. personal life has been very busy. I had to attend a wedding for a family memeber and the plans kept me very busy. Secondly i have had to say goodbye to a cherished friend. My dog who spent 16 years of life with us was euthinised due to old age. As much as we want them to stay forever we must let them go when there time comes. Sadly her time came and even though it was the right decision the pain of not having her is still ver hard. people say time heals all wounds but the truth of the matter is the pain lessens and the wounds don't completely heal.

I need to do some buisness here at gs and once completed i'll continue with the grieving process.

And the Winner Is....

I wanted to share a couple things with my gs friends first i have been promoted in the GGBU. This is an honor for me and my job as officer is to keep the ap contests flowing, updating everyone's ap points, and try keeping the union as active as i can.

Secondly, the games without finalists have been annouced and i am honored that 5 more designs of mine now beautify gamespot gamespaces. The winning designs are as follows:

1. Bratz: Forever Diamonds

2. Sea world shamu"s deep sea adventure

3. Taz Wanted

4. Finding Nemo

5. Kung fu panda

This is awesome for me because i remember when i started designing i could not design a lick and i feel as though i can hold my own and of course there are always things to learn an i plan on continueing moving forward. For now i have 12 designs that have been accepted with more to come in the future.

untill next time......

Emblem Hunters Unite

This blog is for all who love emblems or who love hunting them. The new wide format of gs is really good with one minor exception and that is the way our emblems are being displayed. Since this is a very unique to gamespot, emblems deserve their own place in the gs community for all the world to see. The current format shows only 8 emblems at a time and folks have lots more than emblems. I feel that user emblems should be displayed in a format that allows people of the gs community to view all of them at once rather than clicking then viewing. Emblems are very important and informational. They are important because they convey milestones of the user who has them and the more challenging ones are often held in the highest regard because they don't come easy. The information allows users to know what things other users are interested in and for some a means to remember how these were obtain and by allowing this every user can share his or her story and how they received these little beauties.

My friend Canana is one user who is working hard to get the profile emblems viewed in the old format. Read his blog. I would like to show my support in his effort to get this changed because his feelings and thoughts are very sound and deserves to be taking seriously because it is about emblems and people who love them are very proud of them and they deserve their own recognition because it is the thing that makes gamespot unique.