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Macgyver40 Blog

Life Lessons: Volume 1

I have nothing specific to talk about so i decided to share some of the lessons i have learned in life just so that it may help someone else or to see if my gamespot friends have similar ideas:

1. Kindness is free and the rewards are imeasurable

2. Be the best person you can be, even tho it may result in egg on your face

3. Stay true to yourself even tho it may not be popular

4. Love those around as if you may never see them again, because you may not

5. You don't have to be the toughest dog in the yard, but it's knowing that you will fight that keeps others away from your food dish.

6. Sometimes it is better to take the high road

7. Personal loss is the begging of a better you

8. Doing the right thing is never easy and almost is never popular

9. It is far better to do the wrong thing with the best of intetions than to do the correct thing with the worst of intentions

10. The friends you think you want may not be the friends you need.

More to come in the future untill next time......:P

I Step Away From My Desk And I Back To Find My World Upside Down

A real short blog for the moment.

I came back from getting inked well at least the outline is done 2 weeks and i'll have the shading done. Anyways i come back swing by gamespot for a moment and BLAM there it is the new layout live and in person. That is pretty darn sweet. What will happen if i take 2 days off i'll come back and BLAM we are back in the 50's when life was sweet and the music great. Maybe Elvis will be on gamespot. We could not get that lucky could we?8)

Nice revamp until next time.......

Happy News

I finally got my big 3 conferance emblem. Thank you gs for working hard to hand fix the emblems my faith has been restored. You do have honor because you are honoring the folks who have watched the 3 conferances.

I will be getting a new tattoo tommorrow this will be in honor of my grandmother who passed away a few years ago.

I am very excited because 5 more designs have made it to the semi finals waiting on the finals. Looking to submit lots of new designs in the new format which is turning out to be easier design wise with respect to the pesky tabs and text.

Prison break will be starting september 1st yay.

Guitar lessons are going well

finally Ariel my new bird is settling in nicely now to just get rid of her potty mouth.:D

Untill next time.....

Random Gs Moments

I figured this will a mixed bag of info. so let's get to it:

1. I have been made leader in the General Gaming Gods union. It is an honor to lead this union.

2. I have had 5 more banners one step closer to being accepted. *Crosses fingers*

3. Working on better time management

4. I am hoping to be more involved by becoming an officer at the GGBU.

5. I'll be very happy when prison break and 24 start up again then these unions will be busy again.

A short blog 4 today untill next time.....

E3 Emblem Hunters And Other Stuff

I was checking out the site and stumbled across this piece of info regarding the lost E3 emblems. Check this out.

According to Donkeljohn there may be a slight glimmer of hope because he said this:

Hey all. We were finishing the automated emblem fixes Monday. As of today the window for emblem requests has closed. Shortly, I will lock this thread and then a team of individuals will continue to manually change the emblems until we are confident all of the legitimate awards have been taken care of.

Thanks for your patience. While we were not going to do complementary emblem awards, the unforeseen outages on Monday and Tuesday necessitated the manual changes. Please be patient as the team isn't large, but will continue to labor to ensure we resolve legitimate concerns.

This was posted on july 31st.

Anyways i have the new bird and in short she is a real sweetheart. She is an 18 year old moluccan cockatoo her name was arlo but i changed it to Areil.

New gamespot format looks great and i hop things go smoothly for gs admins. The e3 fiasco was enough for them to deal with and i hope for them a smooth transition.

The Final E3 Cut

This is going to be very short and sweet. Gamespot has really messed up the emblems for this year. E3 is over and i still don't have my ms emblem. I watched from fable 2 until the end and my friends have done the same and they got theirs. I could not help but notice people who work for gs got their emblems and mot people i know go their emblems. WTF!!!!!! gamespot I think that everyone should have it or not have it but it is extremely unfair that your servers crashed so that people were not allowed to see the show and now that E3 is over you are now taken the position that people who don't have an emblem did not meet the criteria. In short, gamespot you have your cake and eat it too. You pick and choose who gets the emblems and tell everyone SORRY BUT YOU DID NOT MEET THE CRITERIA!!!! OH WELLL RULES ARE RULES.

This is not fair or ethical and Gamespot you really need to get your act together because you have just alienated half of the community while the other half gets rewarded for your blunders.

Gamespot you have no honor and you have lost my respect.:evil:

The Good Bad And Ugly: E3 08 Wrap Up

Well the end is near for e3 08. The last live feed floor show is today and this will be great to see where the industry will take us. Over all impression of this years e3 is well less than spectacular:

The Bad:

The big 3 conferances were not the best this year, last year was so much better. For me sony was perhaps the best of the big 3 and ms was at the bottom of the list. The emblem mess is still a work in progress and i hope to get the ms and gold emblem today. The big 3 emblem is a crative endevor, but i wished that each conferance had their own emblems. The bronze, silve and gold emblems are really nice and the staff did a great job with them.

The Ugly:

This is obvious. I am not sure what contributed to the horrible gamespot coverage but it seemed to me that this was more like a first time that gs had done this and did not reflect that gs is very experiance with covering E3 and other e3 have been very smooth and trouble free. Please gamespot don't make this a annual trend. While i have been very hard on gs in my blogs i stand by my assesment of gs that said I know that gs employees have done their very best to bring us coverage of gaming industries shinning moments and for all of the staff's hard work i say thank you. Even tho there has been extreme frustrations on behalf of the community i know that gs staff members were also not having a great time with the problems that plagued E3 this year.

The Good:

I want to leave things on a high note. There are some high notes to speak of. The live floor shows have been absolutly amazing and i think the gs staff was very much in their element and it showed. The floor shows were informative and interesting and the staff at gs can be proud of what they have done. The behind the scenes was great we saw staff members being themselves and it also showed their dedication and willingess to work their butts of to bring the community everything they possible could. The there are thegames themselves the reason we all watched. Very impressive list of titles. Here is my list of must have games in no particular order:

1. Resistance 2

2. Fallout 3

3. Far cry 2

4. Mortal kombat vs dc universe

5. Prince of persia

6. Red Faction" Guerilla

7. Mercanaries 2 ( tactical nuke.... enough said)

8. Star Wars: The force unleashed

9. Infamous

10. Lego batman ( just love the lego series)

Lastly, It was not the best E3 and it certainly had it's speedbumps my hope is that next time gs will have a better handle on things and they will go smoothly for everyone. As I look to the future tokyo game show in October hope gs covers it and for today may all of the community members get their emblems and may i get my ms and gold emblem this will go a long way to make up for this years E3

Untill next time........

Gamespot Drops The Ball : Why???????

I was going to save this little monologue after E3 completion but it can not wait because i am too ticked off to wait. The live feed issues and emblem issues should not have been created. Gamespot you knew you were going to E3 so why is it then that you could not for see that the servers may be a problem is it because you just don't care and choose to fly by the seat of your pants or is it you just can not see it. Last years E3 went really smooth and this year has been one WTF! moment after another. First the servers crash right before the Microsoft conference and 20 minutes later some were able to get on and others still could not get on. Then there is the dancing master chief for 3.5 minutes for some blocked content issues. The of course there is the issue regarding emblems. Alot of people have theirs and I'm happy for those who have it, however there are still many who don't have it and have met the criteria just like every one else did.

I know the people who have the emblems are going to say Mac's just ticked because he does not have his emblems and to those i would say you are missing the bigger issue. The bigger issue is about meeting customer expectations. Let's get real for a moment gamespot and cnet is a business and like any business customer expectations can make or break a company.

Gamespot has been covering E3 for a long time and has been very successful in the past. Naturally the gamespot community had high expectations for a great E3. Gamespot you have failed to meet expectations of the community. Now Any first year business student knows that the quickest way to loose money and customers is if you fail to meet the expectations of the customers. Gamespot you have failed and failed miserably. I thought you guys were professionals and so far it has been a 3 ring circus with no one person running the show. I know that this must be a huge undertaking which simply means that you need to be extra careful on implementation.

I challenge an administrator of gamespot to address this blog but i know that it will not happen which leads me to think that gamespot is more concearned about money than the people who have made gamespot the community it is. The users make this business possible if there were no users there would be no gamespot. I am really glad that i am not a paying user because i would scream i want my money back. Some users have may have the right idea to move on to different gaming sites. With service like this it is no surprise that only 2500 user even use this site and i won't be surprised is that number drops drastically after this dog and pony show that has occurred

Finally, gamespot has set users up to fail with these problems and now games spot i am sad to say has gone from reputable, trustworthy gaming site to well a joke. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER GAMESPOT!!!!:evil::?:twisted:

The natives are getting restless

Just a quik blog 4 the moment gotta catch more live action. I noticed that some people have both sony and nintendo emblems and no ms ones. I have recieved my sony at the time of this blog. Like everyone i watched all three show so far and have recieved only 1 emblem. I hope that this is not a glitch and i hope that it is just slow to update the profiles. I think there will be a gamespot mutiny if everyone does not recieve their emblems. Why are we so addicted to these things anyways. Whatever the reasons i love them and like everyone else want the emblems to all 3 conferences if for no other reason to prove that i did not waste my time watching theses shows.:D

Patience is in order i guess but mutiny is not far away. So far ms was a disaster and nintendo was late in starting not gs fault and sony went relativly smooth and was the best conferance in my opinion.

E3 And Gs Start Of With A Wimper

I'm sure this is no surprise to any one here on gs today, that e3 has begun on a very low note? Gs servers crashing was just the start to a very scary and down right frightening microsoft conferance. I had been on gs for an hour and as i watched the timer countdown to showtime the adreniline i was feeling quickly left when the servers crashed and could not access anything gamespot related for about 15-20 minutes. The feed came on at the start of fable 2 and other than gears of war 2, microsoft has gone well soft. The sony and nintendo inspiration for new and exciting things for microsoft was a huge bust. Microsoft fans can look forward to avitars and wii me's along with not much else. I thought that the pain was about to end then we got 2 more surprises. Master chief shaking his money maker was as amusing as the 3.5 minutes of blocked content and i am coming to the conclusion that maybe gs knew that ms was going to disappoint and decided that a mercy mission was needed and crashed the servers to put us out of our misery. I just hope that we all get the emblem because it will be a bandaid over a mortal wound. Way to to go ms.

I hope that the sony and nintendo conferances are going to be alot better if not this is going to be a very long e3. I think that the live shows will be so much better than the shaky start we have had because a it can not get much worse than this.:?

P.S. there are clearly no incentive to purchase specific console because exlusivity has gon down the drain, since the annoucment about ff 13. What the heck is going on here!