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Mad_Buck Blog

Back to the basics

I've decided to go back to the basics here at  Because it's obvious that the staff has something against me regarding submissions I'm going to start reviewing regularly again instead of every now and then.  When I first arrived at this site, writing reviews was my major passion and submissions were a secondary thing.  As time passed I ceased writing a lot of reviews and concentrated more on other things.  That's going to change, at least for a little while.

Daniel Boone Marathon

There will be a Daniel Boone marathon on TV Land this weekend.  Be sure and watch it and maybe you can come up with some good submissions for the show.  The scheduled episodes are listed in the blog of the show guide.  I got the list from the TV Land website and all times are Eastern.

Bring Back Victor Newman

As if the ad for Young and the Restless a few weeks back wasn't bad enough, we're now forced to endure something even worse whenever we check into  That's right we get to see the ad for Gene Simmons' new reality series on A&E starring that long-tongued one himself, his worn out old bag of an ex-Playboy centerfold galpal, and their two obnoxious kids.  What an original idea for a show.  The eccentric family of a rock star.  Oh, wait a minute, they already did that one a few years back.  Family Jewels is nothing but a rehash of a bad idea that should have never gotten on the air in the first place.  But we'll get to look at this huge ad for the show anyway.  Thanks again,   You too, A&E.

20,000 submissions

I passed 20,000 accepted submissions in case anyone is interested.  It was a quote attributed to Bela Lugosi that got me over the hump. 

The shackles are off

It appears as though they've finally taken the shackles off the level increases since I went from 54 (6%) to 54 (12%).  That was probably my "adjustment" since I only did about 40 submissions today.  Now that my levels have been "adjusted" it means that since June 28 when they put the freeze on I've risen 11 points after making approximately 800 submissions.  Thank you staff in general and Missribs in particular.  You're all heart.  I don't know what we'd do without you but I for one wouldn't mind giving it a try.

87th Precinct Tapes

I finally got the eight 87th Precinct tapes I ordered off Ebay today.  I picked them up at my local post office this morning.  Note to all Ebay sellers:  DO NOT USE PARCEL POST OR PRIORITY MAIL.  Use FedEx or UPS.  The latter will leave the shipment on your doorstep.  Not the damn post office.  You have to be at home to sign for it.  And since my local post office closes its customer service window at the late hour of 4:30 in the afternoon I had to wait until this morning to pick up my package. Thanks a lot.  I almost feel as though the staff are the ones in charge at my local post office.   They're 1 and 1a on my s*** list right now.

RIP Mickey Spillane

Frank Morrison (aka Mickey) Spillane, author of I, the Jury, My Gun is Quick, and Kiss Me Deadly among others, passed away yesterday at age 88.  Spillane, though never a darling with the critics, was loved by the book buying public as at one time he had seven of the ten best-selling English language books of all-time.  You lovers of 80's television might also remember Spillane from the series of commercials he did for Miller Lite beer during that decade in which he parodied the tough guy image of his most famous character--private eye Mike Hammer.

A Year and a Day

I've been at for a year and a day now.  Some of my time here has been magic but a lot of it has been tragic.  Oh well, that's the way things are.  In other news, my main man Crazyrhythm has reached the exalted Level 50.  Go over to his homepage and wish him congratulations.  Anyone who doesn't will be sent a shrunken head--their own.