Magic_Shrek's forum posts
Just watched On The Spot and heard the announcement that Rich is leaving GameSpot..... that speaks volumes to me. It surly can't just be a coincidence. Another GameSpot great abandons ship, he was about the only reason to watch any GameSpot Live stuff.
i think flash is good, in WM format free uses can use upto 300k, now thanks to flash we are getting higher res @400kMehfuz
It might be great if it worked, but for a lot of users it doesn't. And if it does work, then there are genreally more problems for them than with the WMV player. Just look at the dedicated flash forum to see all the bugs and glitches! Now I know that WMV wasn't great for everyone, so the Flash player has its place. But it should be used in conjuction with the WMV player.
There are a lot of circumstances where WMV is the only format people can actually use. I'm sure it would affect you at all if other users were able to select the WMV player for their videos. I don't know why GameSpot removed it, other than the fact all other C:NET sites use Flash - but they've said that isn't the reason. They haven't said what is though!
[QUOTE="Impossibilium"]Flash works across all platforms. WM only really works on Windows. Flash is fine and offers good quality on all systems.football_legend
WM streaming is extremely efficient, when I am on the road, I can watch it with GPRS or Edge, now I cant watch it,
Your best bet is to try now, they have various formats including WMV streaming. They also have HD videos for free!
I can only compare GameSpot to Sony now, the old GameSpot was the PS2 - hugely popular and succesful. Now the new GameSpot is here (PS3) and they have dropped the ball big time with the new video player and review system. I think they will struggle against the competition with really picking up momentum and giving the users what they want - a bit like Nintendo!
Of course it's not too late to fix things, just depends on whether the editorial team can wake up and make changes quickly enough. Time will tell.......
After the change to the review system, what do you guys consider to be a better source for reviews now?
I have been enjoying a lot lately. They have better video quality overall across the board. More importantly, their video reviews are higher quality video and display more gameplay during the review. They don't display the reviewer at the start of the video, and just feel as though they have a higher production value. Best of all, the reviews have a breakdown based on gameplay, design, and story. Unfortunately, no graphics breakdown from the ones I've have watched thus far, but then again, I'm watching the video in High Definitino (for free), so I'm pretty much seeing the graphics for myself.
Just got back after another suspension!
Thanks for the pointer to, it's a great site! GameSpot could actually learn quite a bit from them.
- Their review system has .1 increments.
- They have component scores!
- Their video player works.
- They offer various formats (Flash, QuickTime & WMV)
- They seem to offer higher quality videos. Their HD videos are stunning.
- I can watch videos full screen and use my second monitor!
- They have a higher resolution design so more of the screen is in use.
- Not as much and less intrusive advertising.
- It's all free.
It's basically everything I've said GameSpot should be doing. I've signed up and will now use almost exclusively. Sadly I still have to come here to keep complaining about the lack of a refund being offered. Once I get my money back I can finally leave GameSpot for good, their customer support won't answer my questions at the moment. I have no intention of just sitting here and allowing GameSpot to keep my money when I don't want their service any more.
If any GameSpot editors are actually reading this thread, please can you organise a refund for me? I don't care if you change your website, do what you want with it. But have the decency to allow me to leave if I don't like it.
Just noticed another problem realted to this - not only is it reporting read messages as new I just noticed that in the posts column a thread is reporting:
56 posts
What's that mean?
That said, the new review system is here to stay, and the entire organization stands behind it.Kevin-V
This quote was taken from a post in the "We Want The Old Review System" Union message board, head over and join up to see the full post.
Anyway, my point is, if that is the case what exactly is the point of this thread? Why are you wasting our time putting up this pretence of listening to and caring about users?
GameSpot has lost all credibility and respect I once had for them!
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