On the same note, it is just as disingenuine to look only at places where you're going to get predominantly negative responses (such as this board in general) to guage community response. The large outcry I've seen has consisted of around 100-200 or so users vocally complaining about matters, which only makes up about 1-2% (Sometimes slightly more) of the total number of users actively posting on the boards, whereas I see a comparable number of users who are vocally in favor of the new system (though very few of which are found on this board).
In short, I don't think the community is, as whole, as against this new system as you guys are.
Hmm, what's that saying you get taught in business school that for every complaint you receive there are at least 10 more people who didn't bother to complain and just took their custom elsewhere? So let's take an average of your figures at 150, multiply that by 10 and you've now got at least 1,500 disgruntled customers.
Add to this the fact that many who commented that they like the new style still don't really like the .5 steps in scoring.
Now, in regards to Shrek's comments about the subscores not being less meaningful, and a 10 in graphics now is just as meaningful as it was 10 years ago...I strongly disagree. As we advance to more elaborate and powerful hardware, in addition to having wider divides between hardware types in strength, as well as begin witnessing a wider range of approaches to graphics and such, trying to quantify graphics as a whole to a single number 1-10 simply becomes a less meaningful way of expressing those nuances regarding the different aspects of a game's graphics, especially when you have people trying to compare these subscores against different games and such.
But you still know when a game looks good and when it doesn't! There have always been advances in graphics technology over the years and the system stood up to them all. There is no bigger change now than when we first went into 3D, yet the system coped then and it can still cope now. Just because we have more powerful hardware doesn't mean a thing, some games are still coded badly and look poor in comparison to other titles.
I simply don't see the purpose or point of having such a needlessly detailed system of scoring a game, when the numbers for these subcatagories simply become more and more circumstantial in regards to what gets assigned to them, making the task more of a headache for a person reviewing the game than It should be. It's more rational, IMHO, to simply assign a game a general grade/score based on simple general quality, directly address strong and weak aspects of the game through the Good/Bad and Medal system, then go in depth regarding the game and its strength/weaknesses through the written review. This isn't just something based on the mathmatical system the old system used to derive a score...this is a personal opinion I have on such hair splitting approaches to simply scoring a game that I have for any website/periodical.
Okay, so you don't like component scoring, but lot's of us do. Just because you don't want it, why should we suffer? After all, you can just ignore them and look at the medals and text if that's what you like.
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