Most video games are marketed around the demand of children or teenagers with very low intellectual standards. Don't agree? Why is so much violence and sexual content excluded from video games when the context and setting of the game justifies a paticular degree of violence? Why are the marketing icons of Nintendo all "family-friendly" characters that lack depth, emotion, and meaning? You seriously aren't trying to argue for the "Adult" premises contained in a game like Mario -- which dialouge is usually limited to "It'sa Me. Mario," or a shallow, consequence-free, world like Zelda -- are marketed around the demands of adults? I will agree with you that Nintendo, by FAR, is the company that is most guilty about creating worthless content for children -- Pokemon, Mario Bros, Zelda.
The PS3 is not much better off either, but at least Sony does not exploit a handful of worthless first-party marketing icons that artifically inflate the quality of games.
At least Nintendo knows what they are about and have been consistent, if you like their products then you get what you expect and 9/10 you'll like it. That is like saying disney is holding back development of the movie industry with their family focus, but in reality its the capitlalist model at play, what makes more money gets more attention.
Your right, most games are not targeted toward a certain level of maturity, but that has nothing to do with particular content providers as they have the right to publish whatever they want. If you want to target someone, put content providers who do a poor job of creating and marketing more mature content. By mature I certainly do not mean GTA, maybe IV will change that.
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