I recently bought Duke Nukem Atomic over the net. I downloaded it. Very quick and works great. I have three expansion games that worked great with the original Duke Nukem Atomic I used to have. They don't work with this newly purchased game however. How do I know what version I have bought? It makes a difference. Or could it be a matter of what I bought over the net being "upgraded" in some way to work with modern PCs so that now they are no longer compatible? The expansions can't seem to find the source game. The expansions are Duke!zone, Duke it out in DC, and Duke Nuclear Winter. Hey, if I can't have Duke Nukem Forever then I need the old Duke. Thanks in advance.
Viet Nam is a jungle. It is not Europe. This makes for a very boring map. I was two tours in the Nam. Believe me. It will take a great imagination to come up with an interesting map with so little to work with.
If you didn't care you wouldn't so easily dismiss it with, " Who cares" remarks. I want it to be great and all that it can be. Any fan really wants all that an more. So getoff your ass and make the freakin' game. Take a chance or stop calling yourself a business person.
Is anyone excited about Max Payne 3 coming out in Q2 2010? I am. He looks different but so what? He still has some of his old tricks and the game will hopefully be as solid as before. Even better. What else is to look forward to? Contribute please.
I thought it was easy to get lost. Not know where to go next. The radiation was a bore. So many of the missions were meaningless. I played about 3 or 4 levels and it is just sitting on my shelf. I 'll get back to it someday. Right now I am playing a descent game COD:MD2.
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