I am interested in getting a game that is offered by STEAM called Tunnel Rat. It takes place in Viet Nam. It looks interesting. Has anyone played it? Is it glitchy? Ruined? Stupid? Whatever? Thanks in advance for any good advice. It is only $19.99. Not a major investment but if it sucks why bother?
Malphal's forum posts
Maybe I should have said that I was never offered a choice but to play Butcher Bay first. Never. Only after I played Butcher Bay did I see anything about Assault....Athena....Hmmm.
The latest news................does this mean that we are not to see Duke Nukum on our screens at all....let alone soon.????? NO good. No good.
You don't have a choice but to play Escape from Butcher Bay first and then Assault on Dark Athena. One leads into the other. I liked them both. The second one moreso because it was new to me compared to Butcher Bay which I had played already years ago. I loved the one area near where I got someone's shotgun off the wall. You are able to walk out onto these windows while outside there is this view of outer space. Standing on the windows gave me the same feeling that I would have approaching a cliff. The same with the one area that has the cylindrical shaft with lights moving up and down. You can stand abovt the shaft because of the glass floor. It is pretty cool. Ok. I like stuff like that. Thrills and chills. Also....look.....we don't have Duke Nukum.....maybe never will.....so I may be glumming onto subs a bit here with my choice of Riddick for Duke. Riddick is not funny. Duke is. Also Duke is cartoonish with pigs for enemies. I still love that character though. I had everyone of the Duke games. Hmmm. Miss 'em. Sigh.
Your narrative reminds me of a part of Iron Storm. There was a machine gunner who couldn't miss and I had to run past him to break some boards and then go down a shaft to escape. I couldn't getany further than to the boards which put me completely in the open. The first IGI was like that at the bridge level and there were only 3 saves allowed. Argh! The only way to beat a level of IGI was to kill everyone and then, if you had any health to finish, you simple walked to your goal without resistance. Iron Storm was impossible at the one point I discribed above. I haven't finished either one. It's a shame. It isn't even the money. I enjoyed the games. I wanted finish. I will never know what the rest of the game is like. Good luck with your troubles. Oh, I thought the first Stalker got boring too. I am still playing it but I have had it just sitting in my PC for months. Bye.
The more I play The new Chronicles of Riddick the more I liken it to Duke Nukum. The one liners, the bad-ass demeanor, etc of Riddick. He looks different but it is him alright. At least he'll do until the real Duke Nukum comes back. Whenever that will be. I found a glitch in Riddick. It sort of bugs me so it must be a bad glitch. When you kill a drone you have at least two options. "Drag the body" and "Use the Drone gun". Once you drag the body you can't go back and do it to the same body anymore. The option to drag the body is gone from the menu.So I find out I have drug the body to the wrong place ( I wont explain further about that because it would be a spoiler).When I want to correct that mistake I can't. So I have to start the checkpoint over again. Bother. Great game though. I don't always play a game everyday in single mode. Multiplayer? Yes. But not single. This I have played everyday. Great. So, where is the Duke? Get 'er done!
I have seen the melee prompt and thought I was doing all I could but apparently not. I will try so much harder. Mostly to avoid being called the name he throws at me just before he shoots me to death. I have always been successful in a melee with the woman but this guy is different. Anyway, thanks for the advice. Everyone.
Just before I came back to this post I thought of that......the zero instead of the letter O. I tried it and that was the problem. Wow. And all this time I thought it was Ubi that was stupid. Hmm. Thanks. You are right. I wish those who printed these codes would make clear what letter or number they mean. I was a little frustrated last night.
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