Max Payne Sold 4 million copies, they are simply uniting the two companies , not usre what the big deal is...
Maneil99's forum posts
Yuck, looks like a CQ BF3 which was awful
Looked pretty good actually. Can't wait for MP and Zombies Trailer
Indie Games are **** there I said it, we all know it.
arghhh :roll: First of all lets get one thing straight, pc never had more sales than consoles, even in its goldern years, it was not as powerfull as it it todays in terms of game sales. However, consoles right now sale 4-6 times more games than on pc. Consoles wont die anytime soon. At this point there are over the top. If consoles dying that will be if portable platforms and handhelds become more powerfull, pc will stay more or less at the same form as it is today.
Sadly the article doesnt load for me, but i bet it talks about hardware sales rather cold copies.
Bull. Total revenue from PC has been higher than console for awhile. All while the PC market grows and the console market shrinks. Consoles as we know them are coming to an end. In the very near future they will be more about bringing multiple services instead of just games. In the far future everything will be about cloud gaming. All signs point to gaming consoles going away.
Yes, consoles as we know them are coming to an end. Luckily, in a year or two, they will rise from the ashes like a phoenix when (gasp), the next generation comes out! It's almost like a product which has been out for seven years has saturated the market! NOW WAY! 250 Million Consoles sold in a gen! More then the gen before, Must be SHRINKING! What did you say? Only 1 PC game have outsold there Console Counter Parts (Portal 2, and Uh nothing else that I know of..) NOPE we are biggerts good for a quick play, fun with friends, no need to stress over objectives
Yuck Indie games
vgcharts /thread
Plus all the cod kids will pre order once they see MP Trailer
[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="Nengo_Flow"]this is the sign that COD is losing its luster, and Activision is aware of it.Nengo_FlowAnd if they don't get as many sales as they did last year, man there is going to be some cutbacks. I think they know people arent as interested in Blops 2 so the are trying to give free DLC so people can pre-order.
2 things,
1st They dont need cutbacks, thye games sell more then any other game.
2nd Black ops 2 is beating MW3 in Pre Orders
Let me just remind you that console games are more expensive than pc games ! I've got a nice rig for work and gaming but i barely use it, the consoles provide more variaty in game genres !
Stop preaching your **** You can pick up console games used, you can rent them, you can trade them in, you can borrow them.
Not if publishers and console makers have their way
Now you are bringing up excuses and random theories to try and justify what you said, even though you know what you said in the first place was false you are now trying to change the topic, great.
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