They dislike it because it is proclaimed to be the best FPS ever!!! When it doesn't live up to the first HL game or even quake 1 & 2.
Just last week I played through the original then went straight into number 2 and I unrelentingly believe the first game to just be better (apart from GFX of course).
Even on it's release I felt this way but now i am even more certain. So I dislike that HL2 is overrated but it's still a good whack at the FPS boardlist.
And HALO suxxxx and always did!
Mate you are soo on the money. I did just that and the difference between the two is soo stark. The first one has guns worth a damn, the second has the gravity gun. I personally prefer unloading magazine after magazine into hoards of enemies than arsing about throwing radiators at them. HL2 is just as linear as the first one, which is inexcusable imo. The first one is set underground, the second is in a city and on the coast! Matey from earlier was right, hl2 has no real 'ending', it just stops all of a sudden. Our old friend the gman wanders in and says 'right, all fun is now over for another year till ep1'. Blah! And your STILL no closer to pasting his sorry ass like you sorely wanted to after the first game. Blah! blah!
Those are my gripes with it. Steam blows very very hard btw. Plus the guns are just stooooooooopid in hl2. I checked out the weapon damage on the internet, the magnum hasTEN TIMES the power ofan smg bullet (40 vs. 4), which is justplaindumn. The combine rifle has just a fifth the power of a magnum bullet (8), i mean come on, ammo is pretty scarce through much of the game for that gun, and once you get it its just walked all over by the magnum. This is a plasma rifle of movie mythology for gods sake, it should be the über weapon of choice! Plus the combine elite arnt that elite if their full body armour (which looks really sweet by the way) cant survive a right-click blast from the shotgun (combine elite 70 health, double blast 84 damage). After watching that thing on mythbusters about holywood myths, it makes it even more silly seeing as a magnum couldnt destroy a padlock in one shot, whereas a rifle and a shotgun could absolutleyobliterated it. In short the magnum is overpowered, the shotgun is way more powerful than the plasma rifle, and the combine elite are not as armoured-up as they appear. #end of rant#
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