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@rolento25: Sure. Why provide information I didn't ask for? I never said I wanted to know anything about anyone; I merely pointed out that there's a lot of "personal/private" information out there that the "I have nothing to hide" crowd doesn't realize that they not only hide but want to remain hidden. ;-)

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@lonesamurai1: Not especially, no. My interest in the matter begins and ends with the lie of, "I have nothing to hide."

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@gigaloser: Which is still stupid since the government can pass laws that affect millions of people thereby impacting the individual(s) in question without having to say, "John Jacob Jingle Heimner Schmidt is a dirty, filthy pervert who sniffs panties, and we sentence him to life in prison without possibility of parole."

Then again it's not really surprising that people who are so lacking in imagination that they can't think of things that they wouldn't want others to know also can't think of ways in which others could or would not only make use of their data but do so without explicitly affecting them while at the same time also doing it to/with millions of other people. The sad part is that you don't even need to be a member of the Tin Foil Cap of the Month club to consider quite a lot of this sort of thing. :-/

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@gigaloser: It's not really a matter of legality from my perspective. I simply feel that "I have nothing to hide" is just a colossal lie told by people who have never stopped to realize just how much they want to hide. All you have to do to be lying is have one aspect of your personal life that you don't want made public.

Do you sniff your SO's underwear? Are your sex organs embarrassingly large or small? Do you have an embarrassing birthmark, collection of moles, skin tags, scars, dry/scaly skin, or other body features that you don't want others to see? Congratulations; you've got something to hide, and you can't even cry, "but muh context/semantics!11!!" because "I have nothing to hide" is as absolute and blanket a statement as you can make.

Even if you limited yourself to, "I have nothing to hide with regards to my computer usage" I would sincerely doubt you. From proud "bronies" who don't want their activities being found out by potential employers to "manly" men who don't want potential dates to know that they just love Katy Perry's Teenage Dream, you almost certainly have something to hide, and legality doesn't matter one whit.

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@triplebullet: Existence of a phone in your household does not negate your right to privacy, however. Having a phone, landline or cell, does not give local, state, or federal government officials the right to come into your house, sit on your couch, put their feet up on your coffee table, and watch you having sex with your wife on the rug in front of the TV while your SO's favorite Latino porno is playing. By the same token, having an internet connection should not automatically negate any concept of privacy as applied to what is done on and with your PC within the confines of your home.

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@runstalker: I agree. I took advantage of the offer and gave Windows 10 a solid 30 day trial despite the host of issues I had with it with regards to my desktop in just the first 48 hours. After Windows Update forcibly created a scenario where I would blue screen any time I tried to play some games in a fashion that fully utilized system hardware, and did so in spite of repeated efforts from me to prevnt this from happening, I wiped my OS drive, upgraded to Windows 7, and haven't looked back since.

But I still have free "keys" for 10 Home and Professional if I ever get desperate. :-D

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@runstalker: Windows 10 is also the only OS I've used that lobotomizes itself and deliberately overrides user input in order to implement BSOD scenarios.

Case in point #1: After installing Windows 10 Home on my desktop and having it run without issue for 24 hours, Windows 10 got a hair up its electronic ass about my having made the sensible step of moving the Users folder off of the OS drive. The entire Modern/Metro UI aspect of Windows 10 completely packed it in. From that point on I spent around 8-12 hours troubleshooting the problem before moving on to reformatting and reinstalling Windows 10, much of the time on the reformat/reinstall segment due to the facts that now, unlike before, moving the Users folder introduced the same OS lobotomy in the install time admin account that cropped up in the original, successful install and that this lobotomy prevented Windows 10's installation from successfully finishing.

Case in point #2: I use an HD6870 and a GTS 450 in my system, and as a result of nVidia's decision to gimp hardware PhysX support if their drivers detect an active AMD GPU I needed to use the 314.22 driver release for my GTS 450. The drivers were released before Windows 8.1 much less 10, but they worked well enough for the card to function to the same capacity under Windows 10 that it did under Windows 7 while also allowing hardware acceleration for PhysX. During the initial installation/update process, however, Windows 10 wanted to "update" the drivers for my GTS 450. I cancelled the update and, using software provided by Microsoft, hid/disabled that update. A month later Windows 10 announces that it's going to push the update through anyway, and I find that the useful MS tool from before is now utterly useless. Net result, the next time I tried playing Borderlands 2 I got a lovely BSOD.

Those are probably the two biggest/worst issues I've had with Windows 10, but some of the other issues I've had are doozies as well. I never got Dragon Age: Origins to work under Windows 10, for example, and my USB wireless network adapter caused Windows 10's installer to crash if I had it plugged in while trying to install and had 2kms lag spikes every 3-5 seconds if I tried using it after getting Windows 10 installed. This was despite using it with Windows 10 almost a year after Windows 10 was put on the market. Worse still, that's not even getting into the lack of benefits given that I'm using an i5-4690k and two graphics cards that don't support Vulkan much less DX12

So why exactly "should" I be using Windows 10? For that matter, once Windows 7's "suitable for my needs" capacity drops below 50% why should I use Windows 10 instead of Linux? I frankly abhor the idea of trying to learn a new OS, but learning a new OS, even if it's one that can only achieve 70% of the tasks I want it to handle, strikes me as a superior alternative to using an OS that I'll be fighting with tooth and nail to keep it from breaking my system on a regular basis.

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@triplebullet: The concept of "privacy" survived the invention and adoption of phones. It should be preserved through the internet as well for much the same reasons.

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@xhawk27: Considering that there are Ryzen benchmarks for Windows 7 out there, no, we probably shouldn't blame AMD, especially not for Microsoft blocking "security updates" for which the CPU has zero impact upon. This block will, for example, prevent you from getting a patch for Minesweeper that would keep someone from using it to remotely download cat porn onto your PC even though your CPU/motherboard is utterly irrelevant to the issue.

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@lonesamurai1: I always have to wonder whether or not the "I have nothing to hide" crowd ever actually stopped to think through their lives and truly could not find a single thing that they'd want or need to hide, even if it's just their own body by wearing clothing on their own property without environmental, legal, or stylistic reasons for doing so. For that matter I wonder how many of them would be okay with full A/V coverage of their homes being streamed on the internet 24/7, including "up the butt" cameras in their toilets.

Everyone has something to hide.