@deviltaz35: And you're sure you weren't hitting the binding for auto-run? I ask because I've never had this issue in spite of me frequently binding the move forward key to my mouse, sometimes even having to go so far as to use AutoHotkey to get it working when developers don't implement proper mouse (re)binding.
@sellingthings: Regarding, "arguing what one smells like s***," I wasn't arguing whether Genisys or Rise was worse than the other though. I was simply pointing out that Rise's R rating did it no favors while Salvation's PG-13 rating didn't prevent it from being a good movie in its own right and a better Terminator movie than any but the first two.
@cure_4_humanity: The first two movies were the pinnacle of the series, and Genisys was indeed a stinker, no arguments there. However, I'm going to have to disagree with the idea that Rise of the Machines was somehow better than Salvation. Maybe it's that whole thing where the movie left me feeling that the John Connor character had effectively been emasculated while the status of main character had been passed on to Brewster.
The issues that made Rise worse than Salvation had nothing to do with the rating and everything to do with a story that felt as "parallel dimension" as Genisys. Salvation, in comparison, made for an interesting finale slash prequel of sorts.
@coop36: I can agree to that with Rise of the Machines and Genisys, but as a prequel slash finale of sorts, Salvation had an easier time in the story department. Mind you that I'd have been happier with a trilogy expanding a bit more on that aspect of the story, and I'd have been happier still if they'd taken Stirling's post-T2 trilogy of novels as inspiration for the post-T2 movies. Still, it seems kinda mean-spirited to lump Salvation in with the other two seeing as how it was still a good movie in its own right with, in my opinion, its only major sin being that it wasn't as good for its time as the first two movies were for theirs'.
@lonesamurai1: I was referring to how nVidia's drivers lock down hardware PhysX support on nVidia GPUs if an active AMD GPU is detected. Not being able to run proprietary software on third-party hardware makes sense, but I was referring to a situation that is, frankly, anti-consumer with no benefit to the end user.
Had nVidia not done their TWIMtbP campaign, complete with allegations of nVidia paying developers to optimize specifically for nVidia hardware, along with the PhysX kill switch my next graphics card update would be a slam dunk on the 1060 given that it offers a superior power/heat curve and, at least at launch, better DX11 support while also simplifying my graphics driver situation as I'm currently using an HD6870 and a GTS 450. :-/
@lonesamurai1: I'm not a member of the Tin Foil Cap of the Month club, but I wouldn't be so cavalier in saying that your OS/browser/whatever can't hurt you, not, at least, when dealing with closed source software where even intelligent, skilled, informed customers can only make educated, even extremely educated, guesses at best. Microsoft doesn't even need to do something with the intent of it being harmful to the customer for it to happen that way; do you recall the early days of Windows XP and the "net send" hullabaloo?
In any case, yeah, agreed on trying to force people into Windows 10 being a bad move on their part. At the rate they're going I'm just going to stick it out on Windows 7 until a better Windows-like alternative comes along or Linux becomes a clear and obvious upgrade. It's not even a matter of what's best for my PC experience so much as it is thumbing my nose at Microsoft over their tactics.
I've got the same issues with nVidia's "The Way It's Meant to be Played" campaign and the PhysX kill switch (read "hardware PhysX disabled if AMD GPU detected") they've baked into virtually every driver release for over a decade, and even though upgrading to a 1060 next month would simplify quite a few issues I've got with my PC, and with Windows 10 for that matter, while potentially saving me money down the road I'm still strongly considering an RX480 just because "screw nVidia."
@cjtopspin: Probably the social media mongrels if only because so much of that is done out of stupidity while there is a lot of ignorance in the "I have nothing to hide" crowd. Ignorance is, after all, excusable while stupidity isn't.
Marikhen's comments