Not a chance. This "stimulus" package he's so wet over signing is the same crap we got from the Bush "stimulus" package and the $850 Billion dollar TARP Bailout package. Do people even comprehend how much money our Government is about to flush down the toilet? And it's not for items to "stimulate" the economy either; it's a list of pet projects Democrats have been pushing for the last 40 years.
You watch. When this Recession lasts another year and this cash does nothing, the 2010 mid-terms are (hopefully) going to clear out a lot of these clowns. Fixing the economy wouldn't be hard either. Cut the Corporate Tax, the Individual Income Tax and Capital Gains taxes for a temporary period; say, 2 years. Get Government Regulation out of the way of the Private Sector. If these morons could understand that instead of trying to push Socialism, we'd be money.
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