@Chico86_basic @Marshydude1 I've had games console since the Atari IMO it's was a gimmick console hard core gamers bought it for a laugh but when the wanted to play propa games they put the Xbox or ps on
@Chico86_basic @Marshydude1 it's was only ever a console for at party's with friends round because it was a gimmick that soon wore off as it did wiv lots of other people it was nice when it came out
@Chico86_basic @Marshydude1 love it I laugh at u defending it thanks for felling sorry for me will have to put me ps3 on and play on a propa games console that should cheer me up
@Chico86_basic ha wii u owners make me laugh you are in the small group who have bought them because people don't want to buy a piece of crap that sits on a unit doing nothing it's lame wiv more lame play options
@demonkingx5 @Marshydude1 true but y buy a wii crap over the new ps or nextbox gamers who bought the first wii for its play options witch was new at the time then people got fed up with them and they sat there collecting dust so no consumer confidence in the new product
Nintendo will die when the ps4/720 come out and it's an overpriced piece of crap I had a wii played it for few months that ot just sat there looking ugly collecting dust
Marshydude1's comments