@wcbigguy4 @Marshydude1 what am trying to say is the people who bought the game new should sell back to the devs for a fair price and then the devs sell back also at a fair price and cut out shitty company's and danusty the problem is still there when you buy online
@danusty @Marshydude1 the people who get ripped off when buying used game is the person who bought it new gets a crap price for resale and the company you buy it off sells it back to you at a high price so we the gamers get ripped off something must be. Done to stop this am not saying ban buying used games just sort out the profiteering
@danusty good coz I don't want to be linked wiv cheap arse clowns who think its ok to buy games off company's that buy people's games for next to nothing and sell them back at a high price make a 100% profit on games they had no hand in making I am glad not to support this
@NightsOwl cheap cheap I think the ps4 would be better off if people like you didn't buy it you only interested in getting second hand games go play on your phone where you don't have to pay for games
@XspidervenomX thats coz your cheap and in turn you get ripped off by profit making scumbags who had no hand in making the second hand game you just bought they make 100% profit out of the resale of games
Marshydude1's comments