Joliverw but nothing about not being able to play or pay again for your titles has bin confirmed yet I understand all the points people are making I just don't agree with them
Mooncalf your full of it you don't have to pay for the games you already own because you already have a ps3 I don't understand what the big deal is with all this some people need to get a grip
Chrisx28 get a nextbox then and pay for online play Sony have listened to the people with the ps4 by making it about the GAMES and they have gave us extras that we don't have to use if we don't want
Why do u want the ps4 to play your ps3 games ???? and then crying will I have to buy the games again from the cloud system the answer is No you won't coz you already have a ps3 don't you ???? so stop moaning and keep your old ps3
trying to gain new fans could easily alienate the 150million people who own the ps3 and could result in them buying the nextbox and the thought of that makes me cry after owning every ps that has come out
Marshydude1's comments