Bit stupid making a game that doesn't utilize the ps4 new system safe to say a lot of people will buy it but think I will wait for the one after this because that would of been made for the next gens
@Sevenizz @M3o5nster you don't play online games on there servers do u ????if so how come when u on a multiplayer it picks a host for the game which is then playing on the host Internet and if he leaves then the game stops to pick a new host it wouldn't do that if it was a dedicated server your a Xbox fanboy and you should never pay to play online when your already have the Internet
All I want is some hard facts in sted all we get is what it might do don't get me wrong am Gona get the ps4 coz I hate the crap box that rapes you for every penny you have ms you suck
Think I will defo get the ps4 not just based on this but everything they have done to solve the main probs that they had wiv ps3 there going all out to make everyone happy I am a hard core gamer and I love the new specs and the extra stuff they have give us by the way if you don't like the extra stuff you don't have to use it but stop complaining coz lots of other people will use it
Marshydude1's comments