I'm actually impressed they managed to make something that was too poor to even be construed as art no matter what direction you look at it from. "IT'S IRONIC? DON'T YOU SEE? HAHA LOOK THE ANIMALS HAVE SEATS.... hello?".
I think anyone in the industry will tell you that it's quite common for developers to be 'let go' once the big game they have been working on is launched. It's the nature of the industry (and the reason I don't want to work in it), the upside is that there are other companies always willing to hire for their new projects.
For 10 years I used to tell certain people "Don't be ridiculous, if the US government were really listening to everyone's phonecalls imagine how many people would need to be involved in a conspiracy like that, do you honestly think that -none- of them would have blown the whistle by now?"
I was hoping for sim-pirate game instead of yet another installment of the never ending Desmond yawnfest (the right point to tie off that story was the end of AC1).
This is a win for me! It's a shame they couldn't have called it something like 'Pirate Assassin of the Caribbean' and pretended it was a new IP, but hey I'll take what I can get. I love the naval simulation in AC3 and I love Pirate themed RPG games like Risen 2 and Sid Meier's Pirates. What's not to love here?
It is more of the same, but that's exactly what I wanted. A tiny bit of experimentation wouldn't have gone amiss though, and in a way I agree far more with the comments in the review than the overall score which was definitely harsh as I understand 6 to be a mediocre game. This is not a mediocre game, it's a good game, a great game, just not inspired. My score would be 7/10.
I think Feedbackula as entertaining as it is, probably shouldn't continue. I think it does contribute to the problem and Johnny in a moment of sudden reflection even seemed to realize this. After that last episode I came to the opinion that a positive message would probably be a better one to put out to try and encourage people to do better than simply berate the immature minority and give them a bigger platform to act out on. I was hoping you'd do a piece on this, Danny, and you didn't disappoint. Thanks!
The frame-rate looked a bit skippy on this video. I couldn't tell if it was just the quality of the video or the game trying to do too much on an obsolete console. I'm waiting for the PC version.
Mausolus' comments