My vote goes for Path of Exile. Purely based on it being free, and still equally as good as a paid offering. Actually, I thought it was better than Diablo 3.
@Jasper_73 Well, unconfirmed rumor is what we have to go on right now, but the reality is that they are making it...At least if they are smart they are. No company would give up making money, and they know fallout 4 is a money maker. So while the rumors are all we have at this point, I believe many of us would be surprised if the game wasn't actually in some form of development.
@Defender1978 For me, the XLA titles not being compatible with the XB1 is the reason I bailed...Ok, not the only reason, but one of the reasons. I'm with you, I never have to worry about any of the console limitations with my PC. Sure there is a single advantage of a console (that I can think of) which would be exclusives. I guess you could classify them as more than one reason, but the majority of games that I actually have time to play are also released on PC.
Anyway, this time around I'm probably going to be on the same gaming platforms: Wii U and PC (Wii U will be bought when one of the following hits store shelves: Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers).
@tomservo51 Good way to put it. As a gamer, we may never have to worry about "sellouts"...even though the developers already make more money than most bands/directors/etc...
@de-astroturfer On top of those 3, the library is lacking. While it is mentioned that there are a few good games, it's really lacking any "must have" games. Most of the "good" games shown don't interest me, and the games I want either don't have a release date, or aren't coming out until this time next year.
I'm with Danny on this one. Mario being the only offering worth playing so far isn't enough reason to spend the kind of money a Wii U requires. Future games aren't really being shown off either. Start showing a lot of Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and a new Metroid, and you'll have some buzz that might keep the Nintendo relevant. Without those, it's just a PS3/360 without any games to play.
I actually think Nintendo realizes this, and seem to be focusing on their cash cow, the 3DS. I wouldn't be surprised to see them clearance Wii U's out just to get some install base going. Then release a few extra games and go back to the drawing board to get ready to release something along the lines of the PS4/XB1...Or back out altogether and say, "guess what, now you can play mario on your favorite next gen console!".
@sammoth Good way to decide. Since my PC is also an HTPC (and the older PC's get turned into them for other TV's), I'll probably go with one that focuses on games. Then again, I'll probably end up with a Wii U in the end, since my PC will have most of the games I'll buy for the consoles (a lot of 3rd party junk) and I can't get any Wii U titles (like zelda) on the PC.
@Angry_Mushroom That is the way I'm going for now. Once they release some titles worth buying on the consoles I'll get one, but I usually wait for ~8-10 to show up before then, just because buying a console for 1 title is stupid.
McGregor's comments