Skipping these consoles for now, doesn't mean I won't snag one in the future when the exclusives start showing up, but until then I'll just use my PC. I may snag a Wii U when they see another $50+ price drop, or a title worth owning (namely, zelda, smash bros, mario kart, and others like those).
Well, that is something to get a little more excited about, but I'm still going to hold off until either a price drop, or a must have game hits the shelf that isn't also available on PC. That game for me will probably be Final Fantasy or Metal Gear.
@jodiejones12 I hope they release a game or 2 between now and E3. I think Titanfall is going to be what sets the XB1 apart from the PS4 right away. After that, the PS4 will start to shine with all it's exclusives.
Titanfall might not be as successful on the XB1 though, since it's also coming to PC and 360. It might be one of the first games that has more users on the PC, than the next gen console (I wish more gamers would play on the PC, but it's ok, it means I just get to game with the best of the best).
All the stuff you mentioned doesn't always make a good game either. They sure help, but look at the games from the SNES days, they were a lot of fun without great sound, voice acting, graphics, and cinematics. I haven't actually played RYSE, so I can't speak from experience, but reviewers are saying it's repetitive, and not in a fun way (like Assassins Creed)
I guess everyone has to get a 4 on a launch title. It's only fair.
To be fair, I didn't think this game was going to be that great. It looks pretty, but this is a perfect example of why graphics don't make a game better.
@Undertow207 I think this is a matter of preference. I do agree with you though. If I end up buying either system, it will probably be a PS4, just because they appear to have a few more exclusives than the other offerings.
@SpicaAntares @conorhat @McGregor Until consoles allow for a mouse and keyboard interface, I don't see PC gaming ever dying. Reason being is that the controller isn't the best method for RTS style games. The Steam Machine is looking to bridge that gap, and we'll see how it does. But for now, PC gaming isn't going anywhere.
I'm not sure how often you game on a PC, but there are dozens of new games each month. Nearly every AAA multiplatform title comes to PC (if not all of them), and we're even seeing titles that should be console exclusive come to PC (Titanfall).
Maybe PC will never see Playstation exclusives, but it's far from a dead platform.
All that being said, I wouldn't mind an easier gaming experience with a Mouse/Keyboard. I wish consoles would build games with them in mind. It would be easier overall. I'm hoping the Steam Machine really puts their product out to challenge the idea that PC gaming is a pain.
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