No doubt these comments from Iwata stem from the Wii U's recent sales surge upon the release of Pikmin 3 in Japan. Although the numbers are impressive for such a short period of time, I think "More Games" or "Key Titles" is only part of the solution for the Wii U if Nintendo wants the console to have the kind of success the original Wii had.
Along with games, the Wii U still needs a price drop. I feel this is absolutely critical if Nintendo wants to avoid being thoroughly ousted by the upcoming Xbox One and PS4 consoles this holiday season. I think the Wii U needs to be at least $100 below the PS4 in order to justify a Wii U purchase over a PS4/Xbox One.
And while games are what's currently cooking in Nintendo's kitchen, I think the company should start focusing on new IPs. Not just casual ones, but some hardcore IPs as well. The company is more than due the for some new franchises and they really need to figure out a way to fill in all the blank spaces left by 3rd Party developers who are unwilling to support the system.
On a side note, I don't think it's an entirely bad idea to redesign some of the OS to be centered more around the eShop rather than Mii Verse. While I really like Mii Verse, most people that I show it to don't know what it is until I explain it. What's more, they fail to see the importance as to why it's there. I think it would be a better idea to know what's new in the eShop straight away when you power up the console rather than having to dig. And some of the channels such as the Weather Channel and the News Channel should come back as well. These were things that made new comers realize that you could do more with the console than just games and thus made you want to explore the system. That's a crucial element missing from the Wii U.
This is kinda the same story we hear from a lot of developers concerning the Wii U: "We'll see."
The problem isn't that the console is underpowered or has a gimpy controller or anything along those lines. It's the fact that 3rd parties are unable to turn a profit on the Wii U. This is largely due to: A) Nintendo's alternative audience. B) Extremely small install base.
Developers who are sitting on the fence like this are indeed showing that they are interested, but only to a point. How can Nintendo bring them the rest of the way in you ask? By turning the console around. And if anyone working for Nintendo is reading this, here's some of what I think you should do to accomplish this:
1) Price Drop. I know you guys at Nintendo don't wanna hear this. I know you're very unwilling to even consider it, but if you can't keep your console at least $100 cheaper than the PS4 (which would mean reducing both Wii U sets by $50), then you have no chance this holiday season. In fact, if you guys are unwilling to do this, don't even bother to read any further because it won't matter what you do. The Wii U will just continue to struggle and the only software we'll see on it is Nintendo software.
2) Change the name from Wii U to Wii 2. This is more important than anyone realizes because the name alone is actually confusing people. Some have no idea that the Wii and the Wii U are two completely different machines that are a generation apart. This is one of the biggest factors for you're sluggish sales.
3) Advertise. No, the internet doesn't count, especially if your main audience is a casual one.They just don't ravage away at the internet like the rest of us do. Try some other avenues. I think you'll reach far more people through Television than anything else.
4) Games. This is the one problem that should have never come to light in the first place. What were you guys thinking launching a new console without any of your key titles? Very BAD idea (obviously). Get those titles out ASAP. The longer it takes, the worse this all becomes.
5) New IPs. I cannot stress this enough. You guys need new IPs. End of story, don't even argue it unless you're planning to quit the business. I'm not saying you have to lose what you already have, because I think what you already have is great! You guys just need to create something brand new (something that doesn't have Mario in it). I want to see new franchises from you guys. I've been wanting this for decades now.
I really think all of this can turn the Wii U's fortunes. Nintendo has to simply just step up and do it. A lot of these problems were also the case with the 3DS and Nintendo quickly responded and got things turned around.
@b74kd3th No this is NOT fact. This is 100% your opinion. Clearly you don't get it. Hey, you're entitled to feel how you want about someone's project, but we're also entitled to disagree with you.
This is very bad news. I feel that ZombiU is easily one of the very best zombie games ever created. So to hear that there is no no sequel planned is pretty heart-breaking. Although I do understand Ubisoft's decision, I hope they reconsider because I really do feel that ZombiU is not only the best game currently available for the Wii U, it's also one of the most innovating games of it's genre.
Micropixel's comments