@Helios_Sun @Micropixel @JumpyLuweegee Yup! The only point in the interview where she was collected and focused was when she answered his questions about Nintendo content on YouTube (which is kind of an important issue for him).
But yeah, for everything else he was asking, I think she was the wrong person to interview for answers.
Mario Kart 8 was the show stealer for me. I was not expecting it to look as good as it did. When they first revealed the footage I was like, "Whaaat? THAT'S Mario Kart? NICE!!"
To me, that's the ultimate face-lift for a classic series. And believe me, it was needed. Do this to ALL your games Nintendo.
@Yomigaeru I agree with this. It was exciting to see what Nintendo had to show, but heart-breaking to see that a lot of the games aren't coming until either the end of this year or next year.
Without those games, the Wii U could be facing a pretty grim Holiday season this with the PS4 and the Xbox One looming.
I hope the Blue Shell STAYS ABSENT. It's always been a very unbalancing factor in previous Mario Kart games. Otherwise, the game itself looks INCREDIBLE. Waiting until next year to play it is going to be quite painful though... :(
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