Although I played (and LOVED) this game on the 3DS, I'm finding it kinda hard to get into again on console. I don't know if it's because I've already beaten it on the 3DS or if I'm spoiled by ZombiU (which was hundreds of times more tense).
The reason MMOs struggle in the western regions is because they are ALL trying to copy Blizzard's formula with WoW. And further more, WoW and EQ are not the only two successful MMO's in the US. There's also Eve Online which in my opinion is the very best (and most unique) MMO out there.
As long as companies continue to make spin-offs of WoW's model, no one else is going to gain a foot hold in the market because all you're doing is making the same game over again. If you want to be successful, then someone has to be bold and really stick their neck out with something new and completely different from what we're already playing. WoW, EQ and Eve are all completely different experiences from one another. That's why those 3 do well.
The fine people at Take-Two should probably play some MMOs and see how it all really works rather than just reviewing reports on these kinds of games and using ONLY that to decide what is successful and why.
Dear Nintendo: When you develop the next Mario Kart, please for the love of god, LOSE THE BLUE SHELLS. Bring back BALANCE to the Mario Kart series (like the original SNES version).
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